Monday, December 16, 2013

Donate A Warm Winter Coat To The Roosevelt Island New York Cares Winter Coat Drive - Drop Off At Public Safety Department 24 Hours A Day Thru December 23

It is starting to get cold on Roosevelt Island and the rest of New York City. If you have a warm winter coat that will not be used, please consider donating it to the New York Cares Roosevelt Island Winter Coat drive.

According to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Director Jack McManus:
The Public Safety Department is once again participating in the NY CARES WINTER COAT DRIVE. This program has brought warmth to many of the needy during our frigid winters. Last year, several hundred coats were donated. We look forward to your continued generosity.

Donated coats will be accepted thru 12/23/13. Donations can be brought to:
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation
Public Safety Department
550 Main Street
24 Hours A Day
Please help keep one person warm this winter.