Friday, April 11, 2014

Roosevelt Island Tram Station Elevator Problems Addressed By RIOC President Indelicato At Board Of Directors Meeting Yesterday - RFP For New Elevator Issued By April 17

Image Of Broken Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station Elevators

Reported April 7 that:
... Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Susy del Campo Perea and Roosevelt Island Disabled Association President Jim Bates sent this April 4 letter to RIOC President Charlene Indelicato expressing frustration and concern over the status of the broken Tram Station elevator. According to Ms. Perea and Mr. Bates:
We reached out to RIOC in January 2013 and have been doing so regularly since. We have provided you with many ideas and suggestions to have an appropriately functioning Tram station for us, the disabled, the seniors and the parents of Roosevelt Island, who rely on elevator service when traveling by the Tram.

This winter, both the primary and back-up elevator (elevator and red lift) were out of service frequently and often simultaneously. The Island’s population of families has swelled in recent years making a working elevator more imperative than ever. When only the red lift is functioning, Tram employees often do not assist ‘mobility reduced’ persons, such as parents with strollers, disabled people, and senior citizens by operating the lift. Moreover, there is no-one opening the gate to get to the pre-loading area. Additionally, there are no heaters outside the gate on the Island side....
The full letter is here.

During April 10 meeting of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors (full video web cast here), RIOC President Charlene Indelicato addressed the issue of the Tram Station elevators and responded to the letter from Ms. Perea and Mr. Bates.

Ms. Indelicato acknowledged the "Agita" caused by the problems with the Tram Elevator and reported again that new Tram elevators are on the way with the Design and Build Request For Proposal (RFP) to be issued by April 17. Ms. Indelicato previously said that it would take about a year from the date of the RFP issuance for the elevators to be installed and ready for use.

Ms Indelicato indicated that the new elevators will require permission from NYC for a larger space footprint at the Tram Plaza and expressed the hope that Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Ben Kallos can assist in securing the necessary approvals.

Ms. Indelicato also said that:
  • due to union contract with tram workers, public safety officers cannot open Tram Station entrance doorway and
  • RIOC cannot provide car service for those who cannot get down the stairs when Tram elevators are out. It is too expensive.
Here's the full RIOC President's Report from Ms. Indelicato.