Termination Of Main Street Wire Newspaper Door Drop Delivery To Roosevelt Island Apartments And Keeping Member Communications Secret Among Items On Tonight's Roosevelt Island Residents Association Meeting Agenda
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will be meeting tonight, 8 PM, at the Manhattan Theater Club (8 River Road).
As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a public session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.
Among the items on tonight's agenda is a motion asking Roosevelt Island building owners to prohibit the local newspaper, the Main Street Wire,
from distributing the paper at each apartment door. According to the resolution:
Roosevelt Island Residents AssociationBelow is an except from the sample letter described in above motion:
Motion Demanding Issuance of Letter by RIRA President re Distribution of The Wire.
Movant: Helen Chirivas, Secretary
“Whereas the WIRE publication does not reflect the interests and aspirations of the entire RI community in its reportage;
Whereas the WIRE publication has offended the sector of the RI community whose interests and aspirations it does not reflect;
Whereas the WIRE publication is currently distributed door to door to every household on RI, thereby causing offense to the residents of the RI community its reportage does not reflect;
Therefore, be it resolved that RIRA President J. Escobar, acting in the best interests of the entire RI Community, will arrange for the dispatch of letters (sample attached) via Email and Certified Mail, to each and every management company on RI, requesting, on behalf of the entire RI community, that said management companies henceforth not permit the door- to-door distribution in their properties of the WIRE publication.”
It has come to the attention of the Roosevelt Island Residents’ Association (RIRA) that residents are unhappy with the quality and tenor of the reporting in the WIRE publication, and many no longer wish to be obliged to take delivery of the publication by means of the present door drop distribution method in effect at your property.Other RIRA members who object to the reporting in the local newspaper suggest an opt in policy for delivery of the WIRE. They suggest if a building resident wishes to have the paper delivered to their door, they tell building management of their desire and they will receive delivery. Those who don't opt in will not get door delivery. Supporters of the door drop delivery to every apartment claim that an opt in system for delivery will ruin the business advertising model of the Wire.
I trust that you will agree that the responsible course of action is to therefore terminate the WIRE door-drop distribution policy in your property so as to eliminate the possibility of further offending any tenants/owners residing therein.
To implement the cessation of the door-drop distribution policy in your property, please contact the WIRE via email...
Also on tonight's RIRA Agenda is a motion to keep secret from the Roosevelt Island public certain communications among RIRA members. According to the resolution:
Roosevelt Island Residents AssociationHere is the rest of tonight's
Motion Regarding Transmittal of RIRA Electronic Communications
Movant: Mickey Rindler, as Chair of Ethics Committee
“Be it Resolved
Common Council members shall not publicly disclose, publish, or distribute confidential information, including transmission of:
1. private emails or conversations in which RIRA business is discussed, unless authorized by the author or speaker.
2. communications posted on Common Council-sponsored websites or email reflectors unless authorized by the author or unless otherwise authorized by the Council.
3. Committee work, minutes, or reports not approved for release.”
RIRA Agenda which includes approval of a conflict of interest policy, support of the annual Blood Drive and more.
UPDATE 11:35 PM - Another excellent job by RIRA President Jeff Escobar presiding over tonight's Common Council Meeting. Here's Mr. Escobar's Report to the Common Council which followed the decision by the Common Council to remove the item regarding the Wire distribution door drops from the Agenda.
Also, the motion by the Ethics Committee Chair to prohibit disclosure to the public of internal RIRA communications was tabled and not approved by the Common Council.
RIRA's Aaron Hamburger stood up for Common Council openness and transparency by stating:
I'm strongly opposed to this motion. We are an open organization. We represent our community. There are no secrets. If you write something you stand behind it. I don't care if gets sent to the public. It should in fact....Here's the RIRA Common Council discussion of the issue
... In my view it is contrary to the spirit of this organization....
and vote to table the issue.
Needless to say that I agree with Mr. Hamburger.