Friday, May 23, 2014

Yankee Great Mariano Rivera Pitches In To Help Raise Funds For Roosevelt Island's Child School Legacy High School Annual Founders Dinner Last Night

All time great New York Yankee Relief Pitcher Mariano Rivera

 Image From Ayisha Oglivie

participated in last night's Founders Dinner and Silent Auction for the Roosevelt Island Child School/Legacy High School.

 According to the Child School/Legacy High School:
Legendary Yankee pitcher Mariano Rivera will make a special guest apperance at this year's Founder's Award Dinner, to be held May 22, 2014 at Terrace on the Park, a beautiful venue in Flushing Meadows Park that has sweeping views of the Manhattan skyline.
Ayisha Oglivie reports via Twitter
Ms. Oglivie adds:
Shout out to Mariano Rivera who was taking a picture with a group of students including my son when I shouted to him: "Somos Panamenios!" Mariano: "Oh wow! Es Verdad? Me: "Si! Soy la sobrina de Ben Oglivie (Left Field, champ batter and All Star from the Milwaukee Brewers) y mi mama era de Colon" His bodyguards started to pull him away from all the people pulling on him and he says: "Wait! Let me take a picture with my guy (referring to Jamil)" then he gestured me into the pic. Great great guy! Que viva Panama!
I am a proud Child School Legacy High School parent! Changed my son's life! His name is Jamil Fuller
Here's more information on the Roosevelt Island Child School Legacy High School.