13th Annual Roosevelt Island Blood Drive Under Way, Sign Up To Be A Donor At The Farmers Market Or Online And Help Save A Life
The annual Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Blood Drive is under way. During the last two Saturdays, RIRA Common Council Members
have been at their Farmers Market Table recruiting donors to give blood on Roosevelt Island Day - June 21.
RIRA reps will be at their Farmers Market Table again tomorrow seeking blood donors. RIRA President Jeff Escobar asks you to consider signing up to donate blood. According to Mr. Escobar:
... Another way to participate in renewing the fabric of our community is to be a donor in the 13th annual RIRA Blood Drive, which benefits the New York Blood Center. RIRA volunteers will be manning a donor sign-up table at the Farmer’s Market for four consecutive Saturdays beginning May 31, to sign up any and all who wish to participate. The Blood Drive will culminate with the actual donations on June 21, during the annual Roosevelt Island Day festivities. If you are able, please sign up to donate. You could save a life. And, as an incentive to those who may need a little persuasion to give, Scott Bobo of our own Main Street Sweets Shop has very kindly offered, with the presentation of your donor pledge card, a “two-scoops for the price of one” offer....RIRA's Russell Fields reports that 43 Roosevelt Island Blood Donors have already signed up. You can sign up tomorrow (Saturday, June 14) at the Farmers Market or online here.
Here's more on the NY Blood Center and why it is important to donate.
If you can, please sign up to donate blood at the RIRA Farmers Market table on Saturday or online.
UPDATE 6:PM - More information on Roosevelt Island Day Schedule from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):