Large Crane Transported By East River Barge For Construction Of Hudson Related Southtown 266 Unit Market Rate Rental Riverwalk Building 7 - Crane Too Heavy For Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix
A large barge pulled up aside Roosevelt Island's Southtown Riverwalk Buildiing 7 construction site this morning.
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
On Friday, June 13 from 7 AM until 12 PM, a large crane will be transported by barge to the Riverwalk Building 7 construction site. During this time, a section of the East Promenade to the west of the site will be closed to the public. Flag persons will be posted onsite to direct pedestrian traffic.The crane
was lifted from the barge
and deposited inside the construction site.
As Hudson Related's Sara Willard explains:
The crane is for our superstructure/concrete contractors to complete the remaining floors at the building. We are currently on floor 14. We project to "top out" the floors in late July, by which the barge will be back to pick-up the crane.
After delivery of the crane, the barge headed back south on the East River passing underneath
the Queensboro Bridge.
The Crane was barged because it was too heavy to be transported over the Roosevelt Island Bridge.
On March 3, 2014 the Riverwalk Building 7 construction site was only a hole in the ground.
More on Roosevelt Island's Riverwalk 266 unit market rate rental Building 7 from previous post.