Saturday, December 13, 2014

Report From RIOC President Charlene Indelicato - Roosevelt Island Winter Weather Preparations, Public Safety Holiday Tips, Public Purpose Funds, Good Shepherd Plaza Revitalization, Happy & Healthy Holiday Wishes

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato sends the following report to the community.
As we are nearing the end of the year, this will be our last community update until 2015. To all of the members of our community: We here at RIOC wish you a happy and healthy holiday season and a wonderful new year. In addition, I would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate the annual lighting of the Blackwell Plaza tree and our contributors for helping make this event a great time for all. Many thanks to Fuji East, Bike New York, Main Street Sweets, Gristedes, Starbucks, The Hudson Companies & Urban American for contributing, and to the Girl Scouts and Cornell Tech for volunteering at the celebration!

Winter Weather Preparations

RIOC’s Grounds and Facilities departments are hard at work preparing the Island for the upcoming winter season. While Roosevelt Island has escaped heavy snowfall so far, it’s vital to be prepared to clear the roads and walkways when a storm hits. In order to ensure snow is cleared as quickly and efficiently as possible, RIOC will be issuing “No Parking” advisories requiring drivers to remove their cars from Main St. and the East and West roadways when severe weather is expected. During this time, we will attempt to make free parking available in designated locations, including inside the Motorgate Garage. Free parking inside Motorgate would be limited to 24 hours from the time of entry. If a car is left in the Garage in excess of the time limit, the driver would be responsible for any fees for the additional time. Your compliance with the advisory helps us keep the roads as safe as possible for drivers and pedestrians, and we thank you for your cooperation.

In addition, areas that have been subject to recurring icy conditions in the past may be barricaded and closed to foot traffic during heavy snowfall. Residents are still urged to use caution while traveling by foot, car or bicycle, and to watch out for problem areas. As always, we ask that you contact us by calling 212-832-4540 to report any areas that need further attention so that we may address any safety issues as soon as possible.

PSD Holiday Safety Tips

The holidays are coming up for many of us, which often means gift shopping, decorating, and traveling to visit friends and family. The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department offers these tips to stay safe during the often hectic season:
  • Safe Shopping – Minimize the amount of money, credit cards and valuables you carry and carry your keys on your person separate from your identification. Be particularly aware of your purse/wallet in crowded situations, such as rush-hour trains and buses.
  • When dining out, place your purse in your lap. The back of a chair is an easy target for thieves. Also, never carry a wallet in a rear pocket; use a front trouser or an inside coat pocket.
  • Be Street Smart – Be aware of your surroundings. Use well-populated and well-lit streets, and avoid overloading yourself with packages.
  • Auto Safety Tips – Park in well-lit areas, keep doors and windows locked, and take any valuables with you. Keep any packages stowed in the trunk while shopping. Note: If you plan on doing more shopping after placing packages in the vehicle trunk, consider moving the vehicle to another parking spot. Never leave a GPS system or mount visible – put both inside a glove box or other compartment.
  • Safety at Home – To prevent electrical fires, check holiday lights for frayed wires or empty sockets. Turn off lights when going to bed or leaving home. Keep your tree away from heating sources, and make sure to keep live trees watered.
Public Purpose Funds

Every year, RIOC awards a set amount of Public Purpose Funds to non-profit organizations whose programs benefit Roosevelt Island residents. These funds are provided for the educational, artistic, environmental, and cultural enrichment of the community, with an aim to deliver services to those who need them most. A notification will be issued to the public via our RIOC Advisories alert system with instructions on how to apply for funding. This information will also be posted on our website soon at All Roosevelt Island not-for-profit groups that are looking for additional funding are encouraged to apply.

Good Shepherd Plaza Revitalization

As you may have noticed while walking near the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main St.), new planters and benches have arrived at the site. These improvements are part of a larger effort undertaken by RIOC in cooperation with the Roosevelt Island community to beautify and improve the Good Shepherd Plaza. After a comprehensive public input process, upgrades to the Plaza’s landscaping and amenities were settled on and are now being executed. We would like to extend our thanks to the community for their valuable input during this process and are looking forward to the next phase of this project.