Friday, December 12, 2014

RIOC President Charlene Indelicato Addresses Roosevelt Island Problems, Projects Completed And Those About To Start - She Appreciates Residents Input And Constructive Criticism

 Image Of December 11 RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato gave her President's Report to the December 11 meeting of the RIOC Board of Directors last night (full web cast of meeting is here).

Ms Indelicato noted it was the last RIOC Board meeting of 2014 and reflected on the end of her first full year as RIOC President. Ms Indelicato complimented the RIOC Staff on their efforts as well as the assistance of RIOC Directors in establishing a "Team RIOC" to address the issues facing Roosevelt Island. Ms. Indelicato also noted that she appreciates the input of residents constructive criticism which RIOC tries to address even when under duress.

Ms. Indelicato then addressed recently raised issues of:
  • Motorgate Lighting and bird droppings,
  • Con Ed Lighting problems near the Motorgate caused by water in manhole and
  • Temporary lighting which were not re-positioned properly but corrected once told about problem.
She also listed Roosevelt Island projects completed including:
  • Lighthouse foot bridge,
  • West Pier,
  • Good Shepherd Plaza almost done,
  • Good Shepherd Doors,
  • Cultural Center about to open,
  • Sportspark Temporary Heating,
  • Tram Bathroom fixed,
  • Everbridge Communications Alert System and 
  • Phase 2 Of Island Wide Security Cameras
and Roosevelt Island projects about to start:
  • Helix
  • Seawall at Southpoint Park
  • Design Tram elevator 
  • New bus garage
  • Permanent Heating at Sportspark
  • and all the other capital projects which is the most she has ever seen.
Here's Ms. Indelicato's full President's Report to the RIOC Board of Directors December 11 Meeting.

During yesterday's RIOC Board of Directors Public Session prior to the start of the Board meeting, Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Vice President Sherie Helstien asked about the Motorgate Lighting problems.

Here's what Ms. Helstien said and the response from Ms. Indelicato and Board members Margie Smith and Michael Shinozaki.

RIRA Island House Alternate Delegate Frank Farance has recently highlighted problems with the Motorgate Garage including safety, lighting and bird poop problems.