Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Roosevelt Island Resident And Art Gallery Owner Paul Calendrillo Begins New Year With Exhibit At Gallery RIVAA Starting January 3 - Out With The Old In With The Few, 14 Artists To Follow In 2015

Roosevelt Island resident and art gallery owner Paul Calendrillo is ringing in the 2015 New Year by curating a new exhibit at Gallery RIVAA beginning January 3 with an opening reception January 6.  Mark your calendars.

According to Mr. Calendrillo:

Paul Calendrillo New York Presents

Out with the Old in with the Few

14 Artists to Follow in 2015

Stephen Hall, American Still Life

January 3rd to January 18th

Opening Reception January 6th 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Gallery RIVAA

527 Main St.

Roosevelt Island

Curated by Paul Calendrillo

Gallery Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1pm to 5pm

Wednesday and Friday 10am to 4pm
Saturday and Sunday 11am to 5pm
Wednesday and Friday 6pm to 9pm

Artist Talk Series

January 7th through January 18th

It’s the perfect time and the perfect place for new beginnings in 2015. This new year, like all new years, will open full of hope and optimism. It is a time to search in the most unlikely places for ideas that will spark change and lead to something unforeseen and wonderful. And at this time, in a place that ties all New York by an orange umbilical cord running from the upper east side to lower Manhattan and Brooklyn that we all call the F train, on an Island alive with art and artists, Roosevelt Island, and in the beautiful gallery RIVVA, Paul Calendrillo New York will move his 14 artists from Chelsea to a show celebrating all New York and all its greatness.

The group is highly diversified and comes from all parts of the world but has several overwhelming commonalities—they are all highly skilled, accomplished, successful and consistently push the boundaries of their own art. The artists represented come from Tokyo, Cuba, Canada, Scotland, Wales, Argentina, Mexico, California and of course New York. They range from the elegant, fabulous couture worn by faceless women in Courtney Murphy’s oils to the heavy, violent strokes of black on black acrylic in the work of Andres Giles. Come to the gallery to see the deterioration of Cuba in the paintings of Alejandro Mora, crafted with sensitivity for the country he left but still lives in his heart, the joyous, bugs-eye view of nature by Asako Iwasawa, the social commentary of Stephen Hall, the unique technique and contemporary work of Sean Donovan, the mythical sculpture of Blake Emory, the microscopic and galactic forms and colors in the paintings of Sarah Doherty Heinrichs, the facetious surrealism of Pat Moretti, the two dimensions in motion of Jesse Best’s abstracts, the vibrant color of Linda Louis, the search for meaning in Regina Davis’s oils, the inspiration garnered from Northern India in Janeen Hunt Humphries work and the unique painting process that combines watercolor and earth ephemera of Andre Eamiello.

Roosevelt Island is the home to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park, a gift to all New Yorkers. The park is the first memorial dedicated to the former President in his home state of New York. It is the last work of the late, famous Louis I. Kahn, an iconic architect of the 20th century. The Park celebrates the Four Freedoms, as pronounced in President Roosevelt’s famous January 6, 1941 State of the Union speech. At the tip of the park rests the intense 1933 bust of FDR crafted by the late sculptor Jo Davidson.

Artist Talk Calendar

(Check our website at www.paulcalendrillo.com for any last minute changes or additions to the schedule)
  • Stephen Hall January 7th at 6:30pm
  • Asako Iwasawa January 8th at 1:30pm
  • Janine Hunt-Humphries January 8th at 1:00pm
  • Linda Louis January 9th at 6:30pm
  • Blake Emory January 10th at 1:00 pm
  • Sarah Doherty Heinrichs January 11th at 12pm
  • Andres Giles January 13th at 1:30 pm
  • Regina Davis January 14th at 1:30pm
  • Jesse Best January 14th at 6:30pm
  • Sean Donovan January 15th at 1:30 pm
  • Andre Eamiello January 16th at 6:30pm
Here's more on Mr. Calendrillo at a private showing in his home

and from his web site.