Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Christmas Story Holiday Classic Movie Showing Tonight At Roosevelt Island New York Public Library Branch - Also, Please Take Online Survey To Help Plan Future Programs At New Roosevelt Island Library

According to the Roosevelt Island Twitterverse:

The New York Public Library Roosevelt Island branch adds:
Movie Night: "A Christmas Story" Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 6PM
(1983) (PG) (98 Minutes) - Audience: Families
It's the Christmas season in 1940's Indiana. Young Ralphie wants a Red Rider B.B. Gun for Christmas, but every adult he talks to including a department store Santa tells him: "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!" Will Ralphie's Christmas wishes come true?
and here's the trailer from the movie.

Also,don't forget to help shape the plans for the new Roosevelt Island NYPL branch at 504 Main Street by filling out this survey.