Sunday, January 18, 2015

Icy Road Conditions Blamed For Traffic Accident On Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix This Morning Backing Up Main Street Traffic

Image From How Stuff Works

Received reports this morning of a traffic accident at the Roosevelt Island Bridge causing traffic stoppage on Main Street.

A resident reports:
Massive icy conditions this am on RI: DANGER!!

Ramp closed due to accident. No Cars on or off island.

Looks like water but is thin sheet of ice.
A second resident reports:
Traffic has been completely stopped since we woke up at 6.30 this morning, avoid the bridge at all cost for now.
And a third resident reports:
A car slid into a taxi and caused a major back up. I think the helix was probably Icy.
At 7:48 AM, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) issued this advisory:
Due to a vehicular accident near the helix, expect extensive delays on Main Street and the Roosevelt Island Bridge.
followed by this update:
Notification issued 1/18/2015 at 9:13 AM. Following a previous vehicular accident, traffic patterns have returned to normal in the vicinity of Main Street, the Helix and the Roosevelt Island Bridge.
UDPATE 2:40 PM - Scene from the helix accident this morning.

UPDATE 4:45 PM - Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus reports on today's icy conditions:
There was a 6 car pile-up on the RI bridge with no injuries and minor damage to several vehicles.

Two women suffered slip and fall injuries on the Tram ramp. One was a Tram employee and the second was a visiting nurse who fell while attempting to help the female Tram employee up. Both women were removed by ambulance to Cornell-Weil Medical Center for evaluation and follow-up.

A Public Safety Officer was injured when he slipped and fell after exiting his vehicle while responding to the initial accident on the bridge.

The Grounds Department and the Sanitation Department have been addressing the icy roads with sand and salt.

In anticipation of potential problems this evening, we are checking the ramp and the bridge on the half hour, and maintaining a dialogue with the Department of Sanitation who has committed to assist us if the need arises.