Friday, January 9, 2015

Video Time Travel Back To 1949 Mighty Manhattan And Welfare (Roosevelt) Island Too

Take a trip back in time with this video tour and get a glimpse of Roosevelt (then Welfare) Island

as well as the rest of Mighty Manhattan from 1949. According to Untapped Cities:
In this clip from the 1949 Metro Goldwyn Mayer film Mighty Manhattan – New York’s Wonder City (via Viewing NYC) you get to see some of the iconic sights of New York City in full technicolor. If you can handle the quintessentially mid-century voiceover by James A. Patrick, apparently known then as “The Voice of the Globe,” the cultural generalizations, and the patriotism, you can then revel in New York as it was nearly 70 years ago....

You can see Welfare (Roosevelt) Island starting at about the 7 minute 50 second mark.