Roosevelt Island Sidewalks In Urgent Need Of Repair To Avoid Tripping Hazards After Winter Damage - RIOC Says Repairs Will Be Done
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Island Services Committee is reviewing the conditions of Roosevelt Island sidewalks.
According to the ISC:
Condition of Roads and Paths – ISC adopted this as a new issue. There has been much damage to sidewalks and paths throughout the Island this winter. Repairs are badly needed to eliminate tripping hazards. Frank will be the Lead Person on this issue. First, he will inspect the bad places and take a photo showing the condition of the sidewalk. Then a list will be presented to RIOC with a request for rapid repair work.
Roosevelt Island resident Roberta Kleiman reports:
I wiped out while running 3 weeks ago and severely sprained my wrist and bruised my ribs and knees. It was on the section of sidewalk between Manhattan Park and Octagon. My foot got caught in the uneven pavement, and I went flying forward (there was no ice in the vicinity). The sidewalks and perimeter of the island seem to have taken a beating this winter. I don't think repairs for them were mentioned in the 37 million recently discussed, though I've been told that perhaps this sort of repair would be covered in the maintenance budget. The RIRA Island Services Committee is currently looking into this matter.
Also, though less urgent in my opinion, there are sections of the perimeter that are in bad shape as well. There's a section near the Fire Station where I've seen several runners fall. There are sections of the pavement above the Avac path that are quite uneven and bumpy. Heading south from the Fire Station towards Southtown, there are also some bad sections. A woman I know who uses a wheelchair told me she can no longer travel on that part of the perimeter. I would also think these irregularities could pose problems for the runners in the many races held on Roosevelt Island.
I hope that the sidewalk repairs will be made as soon as possible, and that the perimeter will also be repaired soon!
The conditions of Roosevelt Island sidewalks were discussed during yesterday's, March 9, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee (full audio web cast of meeting). RIOC Director Margie Smith raised the issue to RIOC President Charlene Indelicato and RIOC Engineering Director Jim Mortimer (by phone) who reported that sidewalk damage would be repaired.
One of the Starbucks Barista's was hurt from a fall on a Roosevelt Island sidewalk and I took a spill tripping on raised sidewalk by Rivercross lawn, though not hurt other than scrapes, bruises and embarrassment.