Saturday, March 14, 2015

Roosevelt Island Community Update From RIOC - Community Egg Hunt, Free Bike NY Commuting Class, Council Member Kallos Participatory Budget Voting, Motorgate Murals And MTA Metrocard Van

Below is the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Community Update,

Image From RIOC

formerly known as the Report from the RIOC President.

Community Egg Hunt

On Saturday, March 28th, save the date for a community egg hunt, sponsored by the R.I. Residents Association! Fun and games are planned for toddlers and children up to age eight. Many members of the community have already volunteered their time and effort, from filling eggs with surprises for children to helping with all parts of the project. For more information, or to find out how you can get involved, contact

Free Bike Commuting Class

Bike New York is offering a FREE Bike Commuting 101 Class on Wednesday, March 25, 7 PM - 8:30 PM at Sportspark (250 Main Street). In a 1.5-hour presentation and discussion, the instructor will cover topics such as picking the right bike, what to wear while commuting, what kind of gear you will need to ride at night, how and where to lock your bike, and much more. For more information and to register, please email Bike New York’s Community Outreach Manager, Caitlin Goodspeed, at or call 212-870-2075.

Bike New York is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which has received a grant from a private family foundation to provide innovative pilot programs and free bike education classes to residents on Roosevelt Island. Learn more about their offerings at

Participatory Budget Voting: Roosevelt Island Projects

New York City’s participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. As a part of New York City’s 5th district, Roosevelt Island residents over the age of 16 are eligible to vote on how the district’s funds are spent. Next week, you’ll have the chance to vote for projects, such as the PS/IS 217 Green Roof project and A/V looping in the new R.I. library, that benefit your community directly. We encourage all residents to exercise their right to vote and to help decide how tax dollars are spent. Last year, residents voted to bring over $200,000 in funding to PS/IS 217 for upgrades to its educational technology. For more information, please visit

Multiple opportunities to vote will be provided on the Island:
PS/IS 217 - Mon 4/13, 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Senior Center - Tues 4/14, 10 AM – 1 PM
NYPL Roosevelt Island - Wed, 4/15, 3 PM – 7 PM
Visitors Kiosk/Tram - Sat 4/18, 11 AM – 2 PM

Or in Manhattan:
Ben Kallos’ District Office (244 E93 str.) – Mon-Fri, April 13-18, 9 AM – 6 PM

Murals at the Motorgate Gallery

Every year, murals that were painted at the annual Roosevelt Island Fall for Arts Festival are put on display in the Motorgate Gallery, located in the Motorgate Garage Atrium (628 Main Street, underneath the Helix Ramp). In the spring, the collection is updated with newly painted masterpieces from the most recent festival. We invite you to stop by the gallery and to take at look at the artwork before it is replaced in the upcoming weeks.

MTA Metrocard Van

On the second Monday of each month from 11 AM until 12:30 PM, the MetroCard Neighborhood Outreach Van stops at the Roosevelt Island Senior Center (546 Main Street). At the van, you may apply for or refill a Reduced-Fare MetroCard, buy or refill a regular MetroCard, or ask any MetroCard- related questions. For more information on this service, call (718) 330-1234.