Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization And Cornell Tech Offer Nutrition Seminar April 29 - Eat Your Way To A Healthier Life

The Roosevelt Island Women’s Health Organization (RIWHO) has joined with Cornell Tech, Weill Cornell Medical College and New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center to offer a series of health related seminars to the Roosevelt Island community (Men included). The second in the seminar series will be on the topic of nutrition.

RIWHO sends the following invitation for its April 29 Monthly Seminar:
The Roosevelt Island Women’s Health Organization Presents:

Eat Your Way to a Healthier Life Two Nutrition Experts will tell you how!

Wednesday, April, 29th

546 Main Street, 12th floor, 6:30 pm Refreshments Served - Men Welcome

Cosponsored by:

Cornell Tech And

The Weill Cornell Medical College Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC)

Roosevelt Island resident Luella Streitz will present: “An intuitive approach to nutrition”

Registered Dietician Evalina Irish-Spencer from The Weill Cornell Medical College CTSC (previously from Cornell University Cooperative Extension-NYC) will speak on general nutrition for balanced healthy eating, cultural diets, nutrition labels, how poor diet affects health and much more
The first RIWHO Cornell Tech health seminar was on back pain. Video of the presentation here.