Monday, November 30, 2015

Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 PTA Reports On Upcoming Christmas Tree Sale, Parent Workshops, Pizza Making, School Tour, G&T Forum, Cornell Tech Start Up Meeting, Composting, Teacher Recognition & More - Third Graders African Dance Performance Too

Image Of Past  Roosevelt Island Christmas Tree Sale At Motorgate Plaza

A reader asked yesterday:
...will there be Christmas trees for sale on the island this year?
Image Of Past  Roosevelt Island Christmas Tree Sale At Motorgate Plaza

The answer is yes. Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 PTA representative Erin Olavesen reports:
We are grateful to the island Boy Scouts leader Geoff Kerr, who has been running Roosevelt Island Christmas tree sales for the past 39 years (!), and are working on continuing this tradition after he announced his retirement 2 weeks ago.

Please bear with us as 217PTA is finalizing the sales details; this will be the very first year when we are organizing this sale on our own and with a very short notice.

Thanks to the PTA Board members Corinna Kell, Taryn Merkl and Nathalie Chetrit's quick response (and tireless work over Thanksgiving break!), we are planning to have the trees available for you to purchase on the island (Motorgate Plaza) during three Saturdays leading to Christmas - December 5, 12 and 19. The sale will be held during Saturday Green Market hours (9am-3pm).
Check out this week's programs and services at Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217.
Tuesday Parent Workshops - December 1, 7:50-8:25am

Please join us on Tuesday, December 1st for one of three parent workshops:
  • How to Practice Your Instrument Efficiently in 10-15 Minutes a Day
  • Teaching Efficient Addition Strategies
  • How to Obtain an NYC ID Card and Access the Historical and Cultural Institutions with your Student
All workshops will be held from 7:50–8:25am. Students may be sent to breakfast while you attend. Flyers have been sent home with more information prior to each workshop. Workshops are open to all 217 families.

We look forward to parenting with you during this Parent Engagement Activity!

Middle School Pizza Making Workshop - December 1, 6pm

Middle School students of PS/IS 217 and parents make pizza with Chef Ciro Casella. FREE and all ingredients included. Learn about Italian culture and food. Tuesday, December 1 at 6:00 pm at PS/IS 217 cafeteria. Sponsored by RIRA.

Friday Popcorn Sale - December 4, Dismissal

Our last popcorn sale was a great success, save the date for next one - Friday, December 4 at dismissal!

School Tour/Education Forum on the G&T Program at 217 - December 14, 6pm

Education Forum on the Gifted and Talented Program at PS 217, Monday, Dec. 14: school tour at 6:00 pm and program at 6:30 pm.

Learn about the G&T test, the G&T curriculum, school choice and options for students.

Bring your questions about the G&T test and how the curriculum differs from the regular curriculum of PS 217, and other topics.

  • Daniel Hildreth, Enrollment Director, New York City Department of Education
  • Mandana Beckman, Principal, PS/IS 217
  • G&T curriculum educators at PS/IS 217
  • Parents of students enrolled in the G&T program
Program sponsored by Roosevelt Island Residents Association, Roosevelt Island Committee and Youth and Education Committee of Manhattan Community Board 8, PS/IS 217 and the PTA of PS/IS 217.

For more information, please contact Jeffrey R. Escobar, Chair of the Roosevelt Island Committee of Community Board 8 and President of RIRA at Visit

217PTA Christmas Tree Sale - December 5, 12, 19

We are grateful to the island Boy Scouts leader Geoff Kerr, who has been running Roosevelt Island Christmas tree sales for the past 39 years (!), and are working on continuing this tradition after he announced his retirement 2 weeks ago.

Please bear with us as 217PTA is finalizing the sales details; this will be the very first year when we are organizing this sale on our own and with a very short notice.

Thanks to the PTA Board members Corinna Kell, Taryn Merkl and Nathalie Chetrit's quick response (and tireless work over Thanksgiving break!), we are planning to have the trees available for you to purchase on the island (Motorgate Plaza) during three Saturdays leading to Christmas - December 5, 12 and 19. The sale will be held during Saturday Green Market hours (9am-3pm).

Nominate Your Teacher for The Big Apple Award!

The Big Apple Awards celebrates and recognizes teachers who inspire students, model great teaching, and enrich their school community.

NOMINATION DEADLINE: Monday, January 18, 2016

Who can I nominate?

Nominees should be current, full-time teachers at New York City district schools, charter schools, or teaching full-day Universal Pre-Kindergarten at a NYC Early Education Center (NYCEEC).

Who can submit a nomination?

Anyone can submit a nomination for a current teacher — students, families, teachers, administrators, community members.

I'm ready to nominate! What information will I need to submit?
  • Your name and a valid email address;
  • Basic information about your nominee (including their name and school);
  • A statement on why your nominee should be considered for the Awards.
Why nominate a teacher?

Recipients will receive a classroom grant for their students and schools. While continuing to teach at their school, recipients will spend the 2016-17 school year representing teachers citywide as members of the Chancellor's Advisory Group.

Please note that you may nominate more than one teacher for this award.

Click HERE to nominate your teacher!

Cornell Tech/217 StartUp Event - Thursday, December 10, 6:30-8pm

217PTA Helps Roosevelt Island Garden Club Start Organics Recycling Program

This past Saturday, November 28th NYC Compost Project hosted by Big Reuse started an Organics Recycling program at the Saturday Farmer's Market under the helix, with the mission of "Rebuilding Our Soil, Neighborhood By Neighborhood".

Instead of sending organics to landfills via AVAC, Island residents will be able to drop off kitchen scraps at an organics collection station at the Saturday Farmer's Market. The scraps will go to a local composting site under the Queensborough Bridge on Vernon Blvd. The compost created will also be used locally for street trees, parks, and urban gardens.

Island leadership, avid RI composters, the PTA of PS 217, the RI Girl Scout troops and the RI Garden Club are all excited to help welcome this program to Roosevelt Island. If you would like to help out as a volunteer, please contact Big Reuse or email

An Update from Mr. Solow!

Many 217 students miss our veteran Music Teacher Mr. Solow,

who has retired this year. We have contacted him, and are excited to share his update with you!
Retirement is great. Staying busy by learning Chinese and teaching private students and keeping the house clean. And walking to stay in shape. Principal Beckman is inviting me to work one day a week with the music teacher and hopefully get everyone in shape to make wonderful concerts that I know they all can do.

I really miss everyone and will see all of you soon.

Be well and peace to everyone.

Harold Solow
Have a great week!

The PS/IS 217 PTA also reports:
Thanks to contributions to the PTA General Fund, PS/IS 217 3rd Graders were able to spend 10 weeks with Main Street Theatre and Dance Alliance learning West African Dance. The culmination of those weeks was a performance in our auditorium

for students and families.