Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network RI MoM Walking And Exercise Group Meeting At Tram Thursday Morning Followed By Indoor Workout And Playdate

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator (RIPN) Eva Bosbach reports:

Dear all,

Thanks to our temporary fitness instructor and an Island mom Amy we can offer you the RI Parents' Network's free Roosevelt Island Moms on the Move (RI MoM) walk

and exercise twice this and next week. We met yesterday and will meet again this Thursday (December 3), as well as next Monday (December 7) and Thursday (December 10) starting 9:30 AM at the Tram for our walk followed by a free workout for the moms or dads and a playdate for the children at 10 AM in the 405 party room.

Please RSVP to Amy at amy.namdar@gmail.com as the space in the playroom is limited.

Also we are looking for a mom or dad who can take over from Amy for the other two weeks of December before Saskia gets back from her travels - please get in touch with me if you are interested.

All moms, moms to-be and parents of children of all ages are welcome. The exercise part is voluntary.

Looking forward to seeing you and your little ones on Thursday!

Feel free to contact us for more information on the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network.