Friday, January 15, 2016

SPONSORED POST - Check Out Roosevelt Island Gristedes Supermarket Product Specials & Sales For January 15 To 21- 10% Off Coupon And Free Quart Of Milk Coupon Too (See Details)

 Roosevelt Island Gristedes Supermarket invites you to check out their:
  • Meat, 
  • Deli, 
  • Bakery &
  • Produce
Department Offerings for January 15 - January 21.
Also, Gristedes $10.00 OFF COUPON if you spend more than $100.00 in one shopping visit (See details in picture)

and FREE SHOPRITE QUART OF MILK COUPON if you spend more than $15.00 in one shopping visit (See details in picture).

Gristedes representative Bob Capano invites Roosevelt Island residents to check out their various product departments for all of your shopping needs.

Also, don't forget the 10% Roosevelt Island Seniors Discount on Tuesday and Wednesday and Sign Up For Gristedes Bonus Cards online or in person at the store.

More Gristedes Supermarket information available at their web site and Twitter feed.