Wednesday, January 13, 2016

You're Invited To January 14 New York Public Library Community Conversation About New Roosevelt Island Branch - Share Your Ideas For Programs And Services At New Roosevelt Island NYPL Branch

The New York Public Library (NYPL) invites you to a community conversation about its new Roosevelt Island branch scheduled to open in late 2017/early 2018.

NYPL Roosevelt Island Branch Library Renderings from Smith-Miller+Hawkinson Architects LLP

According to the NYPL, on:
Thursday, January 14th at 6pm, the New York Public Library will be holding a community meeting to present plans for its new Roosevelt Island library. The meeting will take place at the current branch, located at 524 Main Street, New York, NY. (UPDATE 1/14 - MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE AT CULTURAL CENTER THEATER, 548 MAIN STREET)

The meeting comes at the heels of survey results of over 500 Roosevelt Islanders who were asked what they were hoping for in the new branch.

The new branch will now triple in square footage and will contain numerous new features including:
  • A 670 sq ft community room with assisted listening devices (there was no community room before)
  • A newly formed children's room (640 sq. ft; no children's room before)
  • A dedicated space for teens
  • 5X as many PCs available for patron usage and twice as many laptops.
  • New, padded flooring, furniture and dedicated wall spaces
Construction of the new building begins in Fall 2016, with an expected completion date of late 2017-early 2018.
Last November 9, Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects and representatives from the NY Public Library presented plans for the new 5,200 square foot NYPL Roosevelt Island branch to a joint meeting of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate and Operations Advisory Committee (audio web cast of meeting here).

Full video of the November 9 presentation and additional plans for the new NYPL Roosevelt Island branch available at this previous post.

Also, video of the December 2014 NYPL Roosevelt Island Town Hall Meeting is here.