You're Invited To January 14 New York Public Library Community Conversation About New Roosevelt Island Branch - Share Your Ideas For Programs And Services At New Roosevelt Island NYPL Branch
...The new Roosevelt Island NYPL Public Library Branch opening date has been moved up from early 2018 to the fall of 2017. The new library will have about the same number of circulating books, 26 new computers available for the public, expanded community and meeting space for children and adults (with looping technology for the hearing impaired), stroller storage area and an outdoor reading area....
Roosevelt Island New York Public Library (NYPL) Branch Manager Nicole Nelson invites you to a January 14 community conversation about the new NYPL Roosevelt Island branch coming to the first floor at 504 Main Street. According to Ms. Nelson:
The New York Public Library: Building for YouLast November 9, Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects and representatives from the NY Public Library presented their latest plans for the new 5,200 square foot NYPL Roosevelt Island branch
Please join The New York Public Library for a Community Conversation about the new Roosevelt Island Library
Thursday, January 14, 2016 | 6-8 PM
Good Shepherd Community Center
543 Main Street, Roosevelt Island
The New York Public Library is planning for a new home for the Roosevelt Island Library. We would like to hear your thoughts and ideas on the programs and services for the new library.
Learn more or share your feedback: |
Thank you
Happy New Years
Image From NYPL
to a joint meeting of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate and Operations Advisory Committee (audio web cast of meeting here).
Full video of the November 9 presentation and additional plans for the new NYPL Roosevelt Island branch available at this previous post.
Also, video of the December 2014 NYPL Roosevelt Island Town Hall Meeting is here.