Tuesday, July 26, 2016

You're Invited To Roosevelt Island 2016 Rio Olympics Opening Ceremony Parade Of Nations Viewing Party Friday August 5

Last week I asked if Roosevelt Island will have an outdoor public viewing of the 2016 Rio Olympics Opening Ceremony as it did for the 2012 London Olympics.

The answer is yes. Today the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced that they will host a Roosevelt Island Viewing Party for the Rio 2016 Olympics Opening Ceremony

on Friday, August 5 at Riverwalk Commons.

According to RIOC:

Join us Friday, August 5th, as Roosevelt Island will be hosting a Rio 2016 Olympics Opening Ceremony Viewing Party!

Here's the 2012 Roosevelt Island

Olympics Opening Ceremony

at Riverwalk Commons.

Have fun.

UPDATE 7/27 - RIOC adds:
Join us for the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony! After the success of the 2012 London Olympics viewing, RIOC will once again host an outdoor viewing party on Friday, August 5th from 8 PM to approximately 12 AM.

Come to the Riverwalk Commons Area (on the lawn between the Riverwalk Bar & Grill and Fuji East) to watch the Parade of Nations and an exciting spectacle of Brazilian culture at the world’s biggest party! Enjoy food & drink specials as you lounge on the grass or in the outdoor seating of our local establishments.

This year we will broadcast on both a 30’x15’ projector screen and on four 50” TVs. The event will be rain or shine.

We hope to see you there!