Roosevelt Island Youth Program Free Basketball Saturday Program - Bring The Younger Kids To Learn Fundamentals From Coach Tommy And Games For Older Kids - More Volunteer Coaches Needed Too
Resident Frank Farance shares these photos and reports on the free basketball program offered on Saturday's by the Roosevelt Islands Youth Program (RIYP) at PS/IS 217. According to Mr. Farance:
At the recent Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Children, Youth, and Education committee meeting, some parents said they were unaware of some of the offerings for their children. I am compiling a list and, as I see things come by, I will pass them along (we're trying to get something more formalized ready, but you'll have missed the opportunities by then).
If you don't know coach Tommy, you should: he is fantastic, he really has a knack with kids and teaching the fundamentals,
and he gives a lot of individual attention.
My daughter learned how to properly throw a baseball, and shoot a hoop (she'd bet a cheeseburger she could do it, and then double down with two in a row). My son learned much coordination/movement and feels comfortable playing a pick-up game with friends.
The photos, from the 5 and 6 year-old classes, show Coach Tommy teaching the kids several kinds of passes (with thumbs down follow through),
how to dribble,
a fake or two, and how to run backwards (an important coordination skill).
Parents can help with coaching, such as parent Ben shows how to fake and shoot. The instruction ends with the coach explaining some of the finer points, and then a Hands In!
Older kids (3rd grade and above) have teams and games.
Here is the schedule:
Basketball Ages 5-16 Every Saturday at PS/IS 217:
- 9AM 5 year olds/Kindergartners (Instructional)
- 10:15AM 6 year olds/1st Graders (Instructional)
- 11:30AM 7 year olds/2nd Graders (Instructional)
- 12:45PM 8-9 year olds/ 3rd&4th Graders Teams and games (Coaches needed)
- 1:50PM 10-12 year olds/5th thru 8th Graders Teams and games/Round Robin(Coaches needed)
- 3:30PM 13-16 year olds/9th thru 12th Graders Teams and games/Round Robin (Coaches needed)
Afternoon times are tentative
Contact Andrey at for more information.
Also, if you'd like to be on the RIYP E-mail list for program/activities announcements, let him know in your E-mail. The program is FREE.