Behind The Scenes At Roosevelt Island Youth Center Beacon After School Program Youth Council Elections - RIYP Broadcast Group Reports
The Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Beacon after school program held their Youth Council elections last week. The RIYP elections were reported on by RIYP video journalists in training. According to RIYP Beacon Director Katerina Droughos:
On Friday March 3rd the Beacon held their election for Youth Council. It was a great opportunity for the Broadcasting Group to apply the things they've been learning since last summer in regards to camera work, lights etc. Using a "real Time event" such as this one and under the guidance of their instructor Christos Alexandrou, they managed to capture the behind the scenes, interview the candidates and document the voting, counting of the votes and results. Moreover, everyone involved got a first hand experience in the Voting process, understood better how the electing procedure works and had fun exercising their right to vote!