RISA Reports On Roosevelt Island Blood Drive - Over 110 Lives Helped By June 16 Roosevelt Island Blood Drive
The Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) held their annual Blood Drive during the June 16 Roosevelt Island Day. According to RISA:
Dear Roosevelt Island Community:
We want to share the blood drive results with you!
This year out of about 85 people who signed up in advance with appointments, 56 potential donors actually presented themselves to donate. Out of the 56 presenting donors there were 21 deferrals (those unable to donate that day). Out of those, 34 whole blood pints were collected along with 1 (=2 pints) double red donation, bringing the total blood donations to 36 pints. Over 110 lives were positively affected with our blood drive collection!
The RISA Board of Directors wants to extend it's thanks to all those RISA and RIRA members who volunteered to sign-up donors at the four Saturday's of "tabling" on the Good Shepherd Plaza prior to the actual drive, and, as well, to those in our community who signed up to be donors on June 16. We also want to thank RIOC for providing the table and chairs we needed as well as the tent coverage to help give our volunteers some shade from the sun beating down on the plaza.
RISA, along with the New York Blood Center, also wants to offer our sincerest thanks to all who donated and the 21 who attempted to donate. To the latter, don't be discouraged! Go to the NYBC in Manhattan when you're able and try again!
Your feedback is extremely important to the NYBC, so if you are able to do so, please visit bit.ly/surveynyhvct to take their on-line survey.
Very sincerely,
The Board of Directors of The Roosevelt Island Senior Association
Here's just one example how donating blood can save a life.
Good job by RISA and all the Roosevelt Island blood drive volunteers and donors.