Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park Gardens Invites You To Garden Work And Fun Day Saturday August 4 - Help Beautify The Compost Area And Enjoy The Blooming Gardens

China Bushell is the new Teacher/Gardener for the Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park Gardens. Ms Bushell reports:

A Living Library Community Invitation


All Are Invited & Welcome !

Saturday, August 4th, 2018 11:00AM-3:00PM

Please join us to clean up and beautify our Compost area and enjoy the blooming Gardens. Parents, Their Children & Everyone Are Welcome.

The RI Living Library & Think Park Gardens are behind and adjacent to the new location of the Roosevelt Island Public Library and the St. Frances X. Cabrini Church @ 504 Main Street

For more information call or email China Bushell: / 646-831-4513
More info on The Living Library available at their web site and this video.