Monday, January 7, 2019

Sponsored Post - You're Invited To Roosevelt Island & UES NYC Council Member Ben Kallos State Of The District Address Sunday January 13

Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Ben Kallos invites you to his annual State of the District address on Sunday January 13, 1 PM, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Auditorium (430 East 67th Street)

Click here to reserve a free reusable bag with your RSVP or call (212) 860 -1950.

Also, check out the January 2019 newsletter from Council Member Kallos which includes fighting for a fire engine for Roosevelt Island:
You Are Invited! State of the District 2019

  1. $92 Million for East Side School Seats  
  2. Cleaning Up the Neighborhood with Wildcat Services
  3. Millions in Security Upgrades for Religious Institutions   
  1. New Campaign Finance Laws to Apply to Public Advocate Special Election
  2. Ethics Reform to be Adopted by State Legislature
  3. Public Information to Hold Government Accountable
  4. Serve in City Government
  5. Apply to Join Community Board
  6. Read this Newsletter, It Could Save Your Life!
  1. Fighting for a Fire Engine for Roosevelt Island
  2. No Mother Should Have Her Child Ripped From Her Arms
  1. Hanukkah, Tree Lightings, Caroling and a Nutcracker
  2. Thanks for Coming to the Holiday Party
  3. Homeless Day of Remembrance
  4. Tree-cycling in NYC
  1. 5-Year Wedding Anniversary
  2. East River Fifties Alliance Court Battle Continues
  3. Pushing for Second Avenue Subway Phase 2
  4. NYC Foam Ban In Effect
  5. Church of the Epiphany Rector Elected Bishop of Arizona
  6. StreetsGiving Ride with Transportation Alternatives
  7. Call for Art Figment! NYC 2019
  1. Adult Education Program By Make The Road NY
  2. SNAP Clinics 2019 Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
  3. Cayuga Centers
  1. Legislative Corner
  2. Free Legal Clinics    
  3. Here to Help
  4. Mobile District Hours
  5. Ben in Your Building
  6. Community Boards
  7. NYPD Events
  8. Neighborhood and Tenant Associations
  9. Events for Adults
  10. Events for Kids
More info on NYC Council Member Kallos available at his web site.