Roosevelt Island Celebrates Women's History Month This Weekend - Friday Night Shirley Chisholm And Nelly Bly Film Screening, Saturday Afternoon Crafts Featuring Images Of Women Throughout History
Roosevelt Island is celebrating Women's History Month this weekend.
According to the NYPL Roosevelt Island branch:
Here's more on Shirley Chisholm
Celebrate Women's History Month with a film screening and discussion of two short films highlighting women who worked for change in New York City communities: Nellie Bly and Shirley Chisholm.
NELLIE BLY MAKES THE NEWS (2018, 23 min): Penny Lane's animated short documentary presents the story of Nellie Bly, a muckracking investigative journalist who changed the game for women in reporting before women even had the right to vote. Drawing from extensive primary sources including Bly’s own writing, and presenting both real-world interviewees and reenactments in several styles of animation and illustration, this short film investigates the porous line between reporting facts and telling stories, while creating a dynamic portrait of a woman who refused to accept the status quo.
SHIRLEY CHISHOLM: THE LEADER (1998, 30 min): This short film covers the life and career of former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress, first black major-party candidate to run for President, and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, and first chair of the National Black Women's Political Caucus. Elected to Congress under the slogan "Unbought and unbossed," Chisholm fought to improve the living conditions of marginalized New Yorkers.
After the films, attendees are invited to stay for a discussion of women's impact in journalism, media, politics, activism, and change-making.
Friday, March 29, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Program Locations:
Roosevelt Island Cultural Center
For children, ages 5 to 12 years, ages 13 to 18 years, children
Unbought and Unbossed: Shirley Chisholm’s fearless presidential run from Timeline on Vimeo.
and Nelly Bly.
Nellie Bly Makes the News ***excerpt*** from Penny Lane on Vimeo.
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) adds:
The Roosevelt Island Youth Center, the Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance, and the Roosevelt Island branch NY Public Library present- Persistence, Pride and Power! A series of Women's History Month events & more!
FRIDAY, MARCH 29th, 6:30pm
Unbought and Unbossed: The Lives of Nellie Bly and Shirley Chisholm
Do you want to change the world? Get inspired by these two short films about journalist Nellie Bly and Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the United States Congress, two women who fought for change right here in New York City.
The Lighthouse Room, Cultural Center, 548 Main St.
SATURDAY, MARCH 30th, 3:00pm
Crafting the Collections: Celebrating Women’s History Month
Join us for an all-ages crafternoon! Workshop participants will create their own collages on paper using elements collected from the Picture Collection, featuring images of women throughout history. Images from NYPL's Picture collection will be available for your use. You can also bring in your own images, pictures or magazines.
The Lighthouse Room, Cultural Center, 548 Main St.
TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, 7:15pm
Queer, There, and Everywhere: LGBTQ History-Makers
World history has been made by countless LGBTQ individuals—and you’ve never heard of many of them. Queer author and activist Sarah Prager joins us to share the stories of people who fought, created, and loved on their own terms. From high-profile figures like Eleanor Roosevelt to the trailblazing, gender-ambiguous Queen of Sweden, these astonishing true stories uncover a rich heritage that encompasses every culture, in every era.
The Cultural Center Theater, 548 Main St.
These events are FREE and open to the public. For more information call the Youth Center at 212-832-4559.