Keep Roosevelt Island Clean And Beautiful - Don't Be A Pooper-Trator, Pick Up After Your Dog, It's The Law And You Could Get A $250 Summons
Roosevelt Island resident Rossana Ceruzzi is a dog owner and Founder of the Wildlife Freedom Foundation (WFF). The WFF together with the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) and NYC Department of Sanitation has initiated a public service campaign reminding everyone to:
Keep Roosevelt Island Clean and Beautiful. Don't Be a "Pooper-trator. Pick up after Your Dog. It's The LawIncluding a $250 Fine for violators.
According to Ms Ceruzzi:
Commonly called the “Pooper-Scooper Law” the regulation cites that all pet owners must remove or clean up all fecal waste deposited by their dogs on the public and private property. The “Pooper Scooper Law” does not apply to guide dogs or service dogs walking with people who have disabilities.Failure of dog owners/walkers to pick up their dog poop has been a long term problem on Roosevelt Island.
The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department enforces the Pooper Scooper Law and accepts reports of places where dog walkers regularly fail to pick up after their dogs. These locations include streets, sidewalks, and other areas
In 2016, reported on a resident's complaint of:
I found some dog owners carelessly behave too often in this Island, especially behind of Roosevelt Landings.RIOC Public Safety Chief Jack McManus discussed the problem of dog poop and dogs off leashes
... Whatever it takes, this problem has to be corrected.
I pick up some unpleasant dog's waste by myself when it's dropped middle of path, because I am afraid to step on it after dark.
during this 2016 Roosevelt Island Residents Association Public Safety Committee meeting.