Friday, April 5, 2019

You Can Vote Now To Fund Restoration Of Roosevelt Island Lighthouse Public Access With NYC Council Member Ben Kallos Participatory Budget Grant - Deadline Sunday April 7, RI Residents 11 Years And Older Eligible To Vote

Roosevelt Island's NYC Council Member Ben Kallos is seeking your help in allocating $1 Million in 2019 Participatory Budget funding of Manhattan Council District 5 capital projects. According to Council Member Kallos:
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. In other words, the people who pay taxes decide how tax dollars get spent. Participatory budgeting is grassroots democracy at its best. It helps make budget decisions clear and accessible. It gives real power to people who have never before been involved in the political process. And it results in better budget decisions - because who better knows the needs of our community than the people who live there?...

... For the time being, PBNYC only deals with CAPITAL money. That means community members can propose projects like improvements to schools, parks, libraries, public housing, and other public or community spaces...
Each year residents in my district ages 11 or at least in the 6th grade may vote on how to spend one million dollars in the community through Participatory Budgeting. You can see the ballot at, which was decided with the process is run by residents just like you who volunteer as Delegates. Learn more at
Among the project on Council District 5's Participatory Budget Ballot.

is the restoration of Public Access to the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse:
Item 5 R.I. Lighthouse Restoration for Public Access
900 Main St.($800,000)
Restore the Roosevelt Island lighthouse to allow for public access
You can vote online here for restoration of public access to the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse. But do it soon because voting ends Sunday, April 7. Vote now for public access to the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse.

Take a look at the gorgeous Roosevelt Island Lighthouse

and currently rare view seen from the Lighthouse Top.

During the March 7 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors meeting, Project Manager Prince Shah discussed the Lighthouse Renovation Project.

So, if you are a Roosevelt Island resident or live in  Councili District 5, over the age of 11 (or at least in the 6th grade) and would like Participatory Budget funding for public access to the Roosevelt Island Lightouse please vote online here.

In 2016, Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217 was awarded $500,000 in Participatory Budget funding for a green roof.

Also, a brief history of the Lighthouse from the Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS):
... This small lighthouse stands at the northern tip of Roosevelt Island on a projection of land which was at one time a tine separate island connect connected to the main one by a wooden bridge. Local legend maintains that during the 19th century a patient from the nearby Lunatic Asylum was permitted to build a stone fort on this outcropping since he feared an invasion by the British. When plans were formulated to build the lighthouse, this patient allegedly was persuaded to surrender the fort only AFTER much cajoling and a bribe of bogus money. The tale continues that the patient himself demolished the fort and built the new lighthouse, carving the inscription:

... This is the work Was done by John McCarthy
Who built the Light House from he bottom to the Top
All ye who do pass by may Pray for his soul when he dies....
Click here for more information on the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse from RIHS and here to vote for Participatory Budget funding to restore public access to the Lighthouse.