Monday, October 14, 2019

2 Roosevelt Island Assault Incidents Past Week - Roosevelt Landings Neighbors Arrested For Fighting Each Other Last Night And Manhattan Park Fist Fight Leads To Arrest Last Thursday

A Roosevelt Island tipster reported last evening:

... there's alot of NYPD, PSD and ambulances in front of 510 Main Street, Roosevelt Landings.
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Incident Report:
10/13/19 – 1805 – 516 Main St – Assault – PSD/NYPD/EMS responded – PSD arrested the subject.
In response to my inquiry, a RIOC spokesperson adds:
We had 2 neighbors arrested for assault on each other at 516 Main Street. It started as a verbal altercation and police were called to residence apt’s ...  at 4:20pm. Condition was resolved at time and incident report was prepared.
Also, another Roosevelt Island assault last Thursday. According to RIOC Public Safety Incident report:
10/10/19 – 1234– 2 River Road – Assault – PSD/NYPD/EMS responded – Arrest made.
The RIOC spokesperson adds:
... individuals fighting at location at 6:05pm. PSD responded and observed fight being broken up with injuries to both parties, both parties stating the other repeatedly hit each other in face with closed fist causing swelling and lacerations.