Friday, July 24, 2020

You're Invited To Engaged Roosevelt Island Virtual Zoom Event Monday July 27 - Meet Cornell Tech Student Summer Interns Working On Roosevelt Island Renewable Energy Opportunities

Engaged Roosevelt Island was formed last year to to promote environmental understanding and boost sustainable practices on Roosevelt Island. As previously reported:

... An Engaged Opportunity Grant from Cornell University's Office of Engagement Initiatives was awarded to Cornell Tech for a year of planning and learning with the community. The goal of this grant is to promote environmental understanding and boost sustainable practices on Roosevelt Island. Throughout the year there will be engagement events to foster collaboration with residents, community groups, schools, building managers, island businesses, RIOC, RIRA and elected officials toward a cleaner and healthier neighborhood....
Engaged Roosevelt Island invites you to their upcoming event.
Let’s Reconnect and Meet the Summer Interns

Please Save the Date Monday, July 27th 4:00 to 5:00 pm


or email

Zoom link to be provided upon registration

Although unable to hold in-person events since March, thanks to three Cornell University summer interns, work continues towards the goals of Engaged Roosevelt Island: to foster environmental understanding and boost sustainable practices on Roosevelt Island.

These three internships, supported through Cornell University’s Office of Engagement Initiatives, were awarded to Cornell University Cooperative Extension-NYC Programs (CUCE- NYC) in collaboration with Cornell Tech to carry out work that builds on the goals of Engaged Roosevelt Island. Please join us to meet the interns, learn about their work and ask any questions you may have.

According to Engaged Roosevelt Island:
What the interns are doing:

Working to make Roosevelt Island a Climate Smart Community: Camilla Bacolod is working under the supervision of a key staff member at Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) to complete and submit an application for Roosevelt Island to “mimic” and be compatible with New York State requirements and/or compliance on energy efficiency and sustainable practices.

Identifying Renewable Energy Use and Decarbonization Opportunities on Roosevelt Island: Stefan Engquist and Yosief Kidane are working under the supervision of Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council member, Chris Gassman, to explore and address one of the key questions surfaced by Engaged Roosevelt Island: what is the potential capacity to expand Roosevelt Island’s use of renewable energy? The interns are gathering information on current energy sources used by Roosevelt Islanders to identify opportunities for decarbonization including switching to renewable energy sources and identifying new place-specific options for renewable energy (e.g., tidal, geothermal power).
RSVP at or email

More info about Engaged Roosevelt Island at their web site and sign up here to participate in ongoing efforts.