Friday, August 21, 2020

Roosevelt Island Residents Join In Nationwide Save Our Post Office, Save Our Democracy Rallies Saturday August 22 At RI Post Office Branch - You're Invited To Participate, Wear Mask And Bring Signs

Roosevelt Island resident Matt Katz reports:
Hello Friends. As I'm sure you're aware, MoveOn is organizing rallies across the country to express people's outrage at the attempts to sabotage our postal service. Roosevelt Islanders are no exception and we will convene in front of our branch post office on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Be sure to wear your masks and bring your signs.
According to the Roosevelt Island Save Our Post Office, Save Our Democracy Rally host:

12 years ago Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and 3,000 Roosevelt Islanders fought to keep our Local Post office open. This time we will fight to save all our post offices AND our Democracy. We will be meeting outside our Post Office at 11. Also petition signing starting at 8am outside the farmers market.

The Washington Post has more on recent mail delivery delays.