Saturday, September 5, 2020

Eyewitness Reports Man Exposes Himself In Front Of Children And Patrons At Roosevelt Island Nisi Restaurant This Evening

An eyewitness reports this evening that a:

man exposed himself in front of children and patrons at Nisi. The video is the end of him peeing by the church

Image Is Screenshot From Video

One patron walked over to PSD office to report the incident, but PSD did nothing. Then the man went over to the bench by the bell and went to sleep.
I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes and Public Safety Department Chief Kevin Brown for more info. Mr Haynes replied:
I am getting debriefed on the matter but the Chief will provide an update after all of the information is gathered.
UPDATE 9 PM - According to RIOC Public Safety Chief Kevin Brown:
There was a homeless man who was picking up food at Nisi restaurant. He left the front of the restaurant and went to back of Nisi and urinated. PSD was alerted to what transpired and responded to the scene. He was allowed to take his food and escorted out of the area. The male was not issued a summons because a violation must be observed in the officers presence.
UPDATE 9:15 PM - I asked Chief Brown:
Does RIOC have any procedure for helping homeless people on Roosevelt Island? Shelter, getting something to eat, going to the bathroom?
Chief Brown replied:
PSD has be quite busy with limiting the homeless population from setting up an encampment on the island. This is a problem city wide and when the subway stops running wherever any homeless are is where they have to stay. PSD has set up to escort the homeless to the nearest shelter whenever possible or offer medical attention if that appropriate.
UPDATE 9:20 PM - Another eyewitness adds:
I was there, my daughters were there on their scooters.

I had him on my left, my friend and husband were facing him.

We had to stop the gils and send them to scoot behind the church. They couldnt even scoot around the church cause there was another homeless passed out between the church and Rivercross.

And obviously PSD did nothing, and sent 3 female officers to talk to him but did absolutely nothing!

There were families around, teens and kids in bicycles right there and public safety did NOTHING! PSD just doesn't care about this continuous incidents by ri residents and homeless.