Sponsored Post -Wengerd Family Farmers Market Wishes A Blessed Christmas Season And A Wonderful 2021 New Year To Roosevelt Island Community - Open Tomorrow, But Closing December 26 And January 2, Will Be Back January 9
The Wengerd Family,
operators of the Roosevelt Island Farmers Market, wish you a Blessed Christmas season and a wonderful 2021 New Year.
The Roosevelt Island Farmers Market at Motorgate Plaza under the Helix
is open early morning to mid afternoon on Saturdays in good weather and bad offering a wide variety of healthy and delicious tasting fruits, vegetables and much more.
The Roosevelt Island Farmers Market is open tomorrow, Saturday December 19, but will not be open the following two Saturdays, December 26 and January 2.
Roosevelt Island Farmers Market operator Israel Wengerd explains:
We are planning a family trip to Kenya during the Christmas and New Years Holidays to be with our son John who is there with our church drilling wells for people who live out in the villages. (2 year term).
We will be open this Saturday and back Saturday January 9 at the Roosevelt Island Farmers Market.
Eat Fresh, Eat Local and Eat Healthy at the Roosevelt Island Farmers Market