RIOC Accepting Roosevelt Island Spring/Summer Outdoor Field Permit Applications Today Thru Tuesday March 9 For Pony, McManus & Capobianco Fields
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced last evening that applications are being accepted today through this coming Tuesday for Roosevelt Island outdoor fields.
According to the RIOC announcement:Be advised that beginning Sunday, February 28th, 2021 at 9AM through Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 at 5PM , the Permitting Dept will begin accepting applications for Outdoor Fields (Pony / McManus fka Octagon / Capobianco Fields) for the Spring/Summer period of April 1st to August 31st.RIOC website adds:
Applications submitted before February 28th, 2021 at 9AM will not be considered and applicants will need to resubmit during the correct time period.
In an effort to ensure the proper safety procedures due to COVID restrictions all fields are reduced to 50% capacity and a NYS Safety Plan MUST be submitted.
Interested parties can submit applications via the following link
Capobianco Field is located across the street from 595 Main Street. It is a softball/kickball field that measures 175 feet by 230 feet.
Firefighters Field is located across the street from 405 Main Street. It is a combination soccer / softball field that measures 303 feet by 178 feet. The field is open for permitted use from dawn to dusk. No permits are issued on Fridays and Saturdays to allow for open play.Octagon Field has been reopened.
Pony Field is located just south of 888 Main Street. It is a large softball / kickball field that measures 250 feet by 230 feet. The field is open for permitted use from dawn to dusk.
RIOC's announcement last night does not include information on Firefighters Field permit applications.
Click here
for Roosevelt Island outdoor field permit applications.