Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Connects With Youth Center On Basketball Court - Thursday August 20 Blackwell Court
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra sends the following message to Roosevelt Island community:
As part of our Community Outreach Initiative, the Public Safety Department has teamed up with the Youth Center and will be hosting a Community Basketball Game on Thursday, August 20th. The game will take place behind the Youth Center at the Blackwell Basketball Court and feature a team from the Public Safety Department playing with a team from the Youth Center.Great idea!
The game should kick off about 6:30PM. The members of the Youth Center and their parents will be treated to Pizza and Refreshments after the game.
Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee Chair Erin Feely-Nahem appreciates this ourteach undertaken by Mr. Guerra. She comments:
Sounds like a great idea, and an evening of fun. Although we are traveling the next day, I'll be sure to be there for the excitement!UPDATE 8/20 - RIRA President Frank Farance supports this initative as well:
Good Luck to all.
I think you're on to some good community-building ideas, which might have positive long-term effects for the Island. I hope you guys can do something like this on a regular basis. In general, Thursday nights at 6:30 are good and I would watch/participate; unfortunately, I am out of town just for next Thursday. Great work!