Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Connects With Youth Center On Basketball Court - Thursday August 20 Blackwell Court

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Youth Center Basketball Connect Image From RIOC

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra sends the following message to Roosevelt Island community:
As part of our Community Outreach Initiative, the Public Safety Department has teamed up with the Youth Center and will be hosting a Community Basketball Game on Thursday, August 20th. The game will take place behind the Youth Center at the Blackwell Basketball Court and feature a team from the Public Safety Department playing with a team from the Youth Center.

The game should kick off about 6:30PM. The members of the Youth Center and their parents will be treated to Pizza and Refreshments after the game.
Great idea!

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Safety Committee Chair Erin Feely-Nahem appreciates this ourteach undertaken by Mr. Guerra. She comments:
Sounds like a great idea, and an evening of fun. Although we are traveling the next day, I'll be sure to be there for the excitement!
Good Luck to all.
UPDATE 8/20 - RIRA President Frank Farance supports this initative as well:
I think you're on to some good community-building ideas, which might have positive long-term effects for the Island. I hope you guys can do something like this on a regular basis. In general, Thursday nights at 6:30 are good and I would watch/participate; unfortunately, I am out of town just for next Thursday. Great work!