Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports -7/20 Thru 9/2- Barking Dog, Cursing Man, Attempted Break In, Car Keyed, Bee Sting, But No Harold & Kumar
I am posting the current Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Report on the inside right sidebar, just below the RIOC Directors email address. You can read a daily log of the incidents for which the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous day rather than wait for the compilation of aggregated reports, though I will continue to post the aggregate listings like those below from time to time.
RIOC is still posting the most current Daily and July 2009 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of July 2009. August 2009 reports are not yet available but will be linked to as soon as they are posted by RIOC.
No, Harold and Kumar did not visit Roosevelt Island but below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for July 20 - September 2, 2009. Incidents include:
- Traffic Stop Sign Disobeyed ( 7/20)
- Red Bus Passenger Verbally Abusive to Driver (7/21)
- Arrest For Domestic Violence (7/21)
- Barking Dog Noise Complaint ((7/22)
- Person Stuck Nail In Tree (7/23)
- Truck Dangling Off Queensboro Bridge Over Roosevelt Island (7/23)
- Couple Observed Engaging In Sexual Relations (7/24)
- Obstruction of Governmental Administration Arrest Follow Up (7/25)
- Assisted Goldwater Patient With Broken Wheelchair (7/26)
- Custody Dispute (7/27)
- Bicycle Stolen (7/29)
- Male Using Profanity and Threatening Female (7/30)
- Complaint Against Gristedes By Customer Searched By Store Security ((8/1)
- Escorted Woman Who Reported Being Followed (8/2)
- Angry Man Cursing In Street (8/3)
- Temporary Interruption of Tram Service Caused By Electrical Problem (8/4)
- Attempted Break In - Window Screen Removed (8/5)
- Unwanted Female Knocking On Door (8/8)
- Stung By Bees (8/9)
- Criminal Mischief on Roosevelt Island Bridge (8/10)
- Missing Bike Found And Returned To Owner (8/11)
- Repeated Cable Cord Cutting At Roosevelt Landings/Eastwood ( 8/15
- Family Using More Than One Picnic Table At Lighthouse Park (8/15)
- Underage Teenage Alcohol Drinking (8/16)
- Illegal Apartment Barbecuing (8/16)
- Known Thief Observed ini Motorgate Parking Garage (8/18)
- Fresh Direct Driver's Belongings Taken From Truck While Making Deliveries (8/18)
- Person Fell In East River (8/20)
- Car Keyed in Motorgate Parking Garage (8/22)
- Break-In At Island Kids - Cash Stolen (8/25)
- Attempted Burglary At Community Room (8/26)
- Purse Left On Store Counter and Stolen (8/28)
- Person Climbing Queensboro Bridge From Roosevelt Island (8/31)
- Attempted Apartment Break-In (9/2)
Car Stop- Motorist stopped for disobeyed stop sign. Upon investigation it was discovered vehicle was unregistered. Three summonses issued to the motorist. She went to register the vehicle. It was later released to her.
Vehicle Accident- A Vehicle struck a parked vehicle. No injuries. NYPD responded and filed s report.
Aided- male fell in apt. EMS assisted male up. He refused transport to the hospital.
Graffiti- In building. UA notified. Search for the subject made with negative results.
7/21/09-7:00 AM to 7/22/09-7:00 AM
Verbal Harassment- Passenger of a Bus was verbally abusive to the driver. Passenger left. Search made with negative results. NYPD refused.
Vehicle Accident-Minor Accident with no injuries. Both Drivers to handle on their own. NYPD refused.
Unsecured Vehicle- a Vehicle trunk was found open. Owner not on scene. It was locked and secured.
Arrest- On a domestic incident. PSD assisted NYPD and detained subject. Detective of the Domestic Violence Squad arrested the subject.
Investigation- Misunderstanding about a bus stop location at night. Matter resolved by PSD.
Gas Leak- In apt. UA and PSD responded. The apt door was ajar and the stove pilot was not lite. Tenant not home. the stove was shut off and the apt was locked and secured by UA.
There's More!
7/22/09-7:00 AM to 7/23/09-7:00 AM
Crowd Control- "F" train service delays. PSD and Tram Supervisor responded. Crowd orderly and no incidents. Later service was restored.
Public Urination/Open Container of Alcohol-Subject arrested by PSD.
Aided- Child sustained laceration to the head sustained while playing under bench. EMS transported him to the hospital accompanied by his mother.
Property Damage- A tent left in the rear patio of an apt. Unknown how damage was caused. NYPD refused.
Cylinder Replacement- Tenant lost apt keys and requested the cylinder changed. UA notified and did so.
Aided- Female while exiting the RIOC bus sustained a possible sprained ankle. EMS refused.
Noise Complaint- Tenant complained about neighbor's dog barking. Matter referred to RY Management.
Harassment/Investigation- A complaint from a RIOC bus driver against another. Matter referred to the Bus Garage Supervisor.
Lost Property- Cell phone rear of the Blackwell House. Search made with negative results.
0700 hrs 07/23/09 - 0700 hrs 07/24/09
Found Property - Cell phone found on RIOC bus and turned into PSD. Owner retrieved phone.
Hazardous Condition - Unknown person stuck nails in tree. Grounds personnel removed nails.
Aided - PSD responded to female falling on the ground. Aided refused medical attention.
Court Papers Served - PSD responded to apartment to serve court papers. Papers were served without incident.
Aided - PSD responded for female falling on RIOC bus. Aided stated she was not hurt and refused medical attention.
Alcohol/Open Container - PSD officer observed male subject drinking in public. Summons was issued to subject and released.
Investigation - PSD received call of kids hanging arms out of window. PSD officer spoke to mother and advised her of the situation. Windows were closed by the mother.
Aided - Male aided reported to PSD that he was not felling well. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to aided at subway. Aided was transported to hospital.
Unsecured vehicle - PSD officer observed vehicle door open. Vehicle didn't appear to be vandalized. Motorgate attendant was notified. Door was secured by PSD.
Aided - Female aided came to PSD and requested EMS for previous fall she took earlier. Aided had refused EMS the first time. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Hazardous Condition on Roosevelt Island Bridge - Fence knocked over obstructing pedestrian walkway. PSD officer was posted for pedestrian control of walkway. Condition was corrected by bridge personnel.
Hazardous Condition - 114 pct notified PSD that truck crashed on 59th Street bridge ripping the side of the truck which was dangling over the west roadway on R.I. The road was closed until truck was removed. No injuries reported and road was reopened after the truck was removed.
0700hrs 07/24/09- 0700hrs 07/25/09
Vehicle Accident- A vehicle ran into another at the top of the ramp, PSD and NYPD responded, all parties refused EMS.
Escort- Male was upset he was not let into building trying to visit his friend, PSD responded, escorted male home.
Lost Property- Female lost wallet, search made of area last seen yield negative results.
Aided- Female fell out of wheelchair and struck her head, PSD and EMS responded, aided transported to hospital.
Loitering- PSD observed a couple engaging in sexual relations, both parties were summons and released.
Disobey Park Sign, Open Container, Littering- PSD observed subjects trespassing, and consuming alcohol in public, subjects were summons and escorted out park.
Open Contained/ Public Urination- PSD observed two subjects urinating and drinking in public, subject were summons and released.
7/25/09 - 7/26/09
Public Urination- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Open Container/Alcohol- 4 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided- Person had difficulty breathing. RISAR provided Oxygen. EMS transported person to the hospital.
Aided- PSD Officer felling ill went home to take medication. Transport to the hospital refused.
Verbal Dispute- Between Male and a female in the street. No injuries. NYPD refused. Both left area.
Possible Smoke Condition- PSD checked area and no signs of smoke. Area in order.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided/EDP- Resident of a group home was extremely upset. He suffers from a mental condition. EMS transported him to the hospital.
Obstruction of Governmental Administration Follow up- Subject arrested by PSD.
Open Container Alcohol- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Open Container Alcohol- 3 Subjects arrested by PSD.
7/26/09-7:00 AM to 7/27/09-7:00 AM
Aided- Child accidently locked in bedroom. UA and PSD responded. UA opened the door and replaced the lock.
Water Leak- In a building. UA and PSD responded. Tenant not home. UA shut off the Air Conditioner and secure the apt door.
Removed Property- Pieces of a backgammon had fallen on to the rear court yard. PSD retrieved the property. No injuries.
Hazardous Condition- Large tree branch fell on to the side walk and street. PSD placed caution tape around it. Pedestrians and traffic were able to maneuver around it. RIOC notified.
Aided- Gold Water Patient had a disabled wheelchair. PSD put him on the RIOC bus and escorted him to Gold Water Hospital. He was left in the care of Gold Water Hospital Police.
7/27/09-7:00 AM to 7/28-09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Water Leak- Tenant not home. RY Super and PSD responded. RY Super corrected condition and secured the apt door.
Lost Property- A bicycle. NYPD refused. Search yielded negative results.
Property Damage- Vehicle parked in Motor Gate garage sustained damage Search yielded negative results. NYPD filed a report.
Graffiti- In building. UA notified and NYPD refused.
Custody Dispute- Parents in process of obtaining a divorce. Father took his 2 sons from the school. without authorization from the mother. NYPD responded. Children returned to the mother.
Trespass- 3 subjects on roof top without authorization or permission arrested by PSD.
7/28 -7/29 Not Available
0700 hrs Wednesday July 29th 2009 - 0700 Thursday July 30th 2009.
Escort / Aided - Victim need help to get into her apartment due to surgery. PSD responded Condition Corrected.
Court Order / Custody Visitation - Male requesting court papers to be served to his wife. PSD responded. No one home. Will return an other time.
Unsecured Property - Male reports left his bicycle outside his building and when he returned, it was not there. PSD made a search with negative results.
Noise Complaint - PSD responded to building observed youths playing with an air horn. Air horn retrieved and returned to the parent.
Smoke Condition - Small Fire at MTA / Subway antenna, FDNY on scene. Fire extinguished. No injuries.
Family Dispute - Tenants son attempted to retrieve his belongings, mother would not allow him into apartment. Son will return an other time.
Vehicle / Bicycle Accident - Bicycle hit vehicle causing some minor scratches to vehicle. Information exchanged NYPD refused. No injuries.
07-30-09 am to 07-31-09 am
found property- PSD found a invock alarm clock locked and secured in PSD.
disorderly conduct- a male was using threatening/profanity against a female. male was summonsed and escorted to the train.
reckless endangerment- super of a building reported that a bed frame had been thrown into a court yard. no property damage
aided- female stopped taking medicine for anti-depression NYPD FDNY transported her to Cornell Hospital
power failure control pad- RIOC bus garage swipe panel malfunctioned. PSD access control supervisor notified.
open container- four youths were issued summons for drinking alcohol in public view.
8/1/09-7:00 AM to 8/2/09-7: AM
Complaint- Customer of Grestides Supermarket stated he was stopped and searched by security. He will file a report with NYPD.
Unsecured Premise- Day Care. Search conducted and interior and exterior of the building was in order. It was locked and secured.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.
Defecated in Public- Unknown subject left feces front of apt door. Search conducted for subject with negative results. Manhattan Park porter cleaned up the mess. NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief- three juveniles were throwing paint at the Blackwell Play ground area. Juveniles escorted to PSD. They were released to their parent. RIOC notified.
8/2/09-7:00 AM to 8/3/09-7:00 AM
Water Leak- In building. RY Management Super responded and corrected the condition. Super locked and secured the apt door.
Vehicle Accident- Parked vehicle in the Motor gate Garage sustained damage by unknown vehicle. Search made with negative results for the vehicle. Motor vehicle accident report filed.
Lost Property- A pocket book. Search conducted with negative results.
Graffiti- In a building. UA notified. Search made with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided Possible Boat in Distress- FDNY, EMS, and NYPD responded to the East River and conducted a search with negative results.
Graffiti- In a building. UA notified. Search made with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Escort- PSD provided an escort to a female who reported being followed. Search made with negative results. NYPD continued escort into the subway.
Criminal Mischief- a broken window in a building. UA notified. Search conducted and yielded negative results for the subject and any additional broken windows. NYPD refused.
8/3/09-7:00 AM to 8/4/09-7:00 AM
Alarm- At RIOC Warehouse. Search conducted and interior in order. Alarm was reset.
Investigation-Passenger made a complaint about the cab driver not following her instructions. PSD checked cab driver. All paper work in order. Passenger will make a complaint with Taxi and Limousine Commission.
Aided/Investigation- Tenant not home. RY Super requested PSD escort while an Air Conditioner was installed. PSD provided escort.
Unsecured Vehicle- At the Motor gate garage. Central Parking had no information on the owner. PSD conducted periodic checks of the vehicle.
Minor Vehicle Accident- Between 2 private vehicles. No injuries and NYPD refused. Both Motorist will handle the matter on their own.
Found Property- A wallet. It was locked and secured in PSD. Later the owner came and retrieved the property.
Harassment/ Violation of Order of Protection- Resident receive threats via phone calls. She has an Order of Protection. NYPD filed a report.
Hazardous Condition- Numerous lights out in the Motor Gate Garage in levels "4A" and "5A". Central Parking notified.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown Subject discharged a fire extinguisher in the Motor Gate Garage. Central Parking notified and cleaned it up. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Found Property- A bag with Miscellaneous items. It was locked and secured at PSD.
Owner's information not in bag.
Lost Property- Female left her wallet in a taxi cab. She was unable to catch up with the driver. 311 was notified. NYPD refused.
Investigation- Angry male cursing in the street. He was escorted to his residence. Later a Garbage Can lid was found on the ground. The lid was put back on. No damages.
8/4/09-7:00 AM to 8/5/09-7:00 AM
Temporary Interruption of Service- At the Tramway. Service was operational but slow. Minor electrical problem repaired within a few minutes. PSD maintained a presence. No injuries and no one in distress. RIOC notified.
Investigation- Verbal dispute over child custody visitation matter. Grand mother and mother resolved the matter. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Lost Property-Youth left IPOD in a class room on 8/3/09. It is missing. Teacher was notified. Father at work and will go to NYPD and file a report.
Request for Escort- For youth to be taken to the hospital. Upon arrival the baby sitter had taken youth to the hospital.
Grand Larceny/ unattended Property- Female left purse in the hallway while she was moving furniture. Upon arrival it was gone. Search conducted with negative results. NYPD responded and took a report.
Dispute- Between passenger and a RIOC bus operator. PSD responded and resolved the matter. Female was escorted to the subway.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject caused scratches and small dents to a parked vehicle in the Motor Gate Garage. Search made with negative results. NYPD refused.
Domestic Dispute- NYPD on scene. Female adult left with child and went to Public assistance and Temporary Housing Office.
Trespass- 5 subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided/EDP- Husband with a mental condition on new medication. he awoke in the middle of the night hitting his wife. he was incoherent. EMS and NYPD transported him to the hospital.
0700hrs 08/05/09 - 0700hrs 08/06/09
Aided- Male not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Aided- Female not feeling well, EMS responds to dwelling, aided refused medical attention.
Trespass- Five subjects were trespassing in hospital lot, subjects were summonsed and released.
Aided- Male EDP suffers from hallucinations and tremendous stress woke up hitting his wife, wife called PSD, NYPD notified, EDP transported to Elmhurst, wife transported to Astoria medical center.
Property Removal- Four bikes were removed from the 510 Breezeway, brought to PSD.
Aided- Female not feeling well, transported to hospital.
Attempted Break In- Victim reports every night someone removes the screen from the windows, PSD made a search with negative results, job was referred to PSD detectives.
Petit Larceny- Victim reports his entire bike except front tire that was chained to bike rack is missing.
Aided- Female having difficulty breathing, PSD responded, EMS was on scene administering medication, aided transported to hospital.
Escort- Tenant not home, PSD escorted Super into apartment to install equipment, Super secured apartment door.
0700 hrs 08/06/09 - 0700 hrs 08/07/09
Aided - PSD responded with EMS for Possible aided. Aided stated she was not feeling well, but refused EMS
Aided - PSD responded with EMS for possible aided. Male aided transported to hospital.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm - Going off inside apartment. PSD and super responded. Apartment was vacant and turned out to be faulty battery.
Octagon Comfort Station - PSD officer observed men's restroom unsecured. Door was temporarily secured. Referred to RIOC engineer.
Unsecured Vehicle - PSD officer observed unsecured vehicle with door open in parking garage. Officer secured vehicle and notified motorgate attendant. No record on file.
Gas Leak - FDNY responded to apartment for possible gas leak. PSD on scene. No answer at apartment. FDNY took down door and condition was unfounded. Super on scene secured door.
8/7 -8/8 Not Available0700 hrs
08/08/09 - 0700 hrs 08/09/09
Investigation- Two different tenant complaint of an unwanted female knocking at there doors. PSD Responded female stated looking for unknown male that she had lend money the day before.
INVESTIGATION/CRIMINAL MISCHIEF- Tenant complaint of her Patio umbrella being burned by cigarette buds from above unknown floor. PSD responded a search was conducted for possible subject with negative result.
URINATING IN PUBLIC- Individual was observed by PSD issue a Criminal Court Summons and released.
OPEN CONTAINER- Individual was observed by PSD drinking a beer in public view. He was issue a Criminal Court Summons and released.
0700 hrs 08/09/09 - 0700 hrs 08/10/09
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to verbal dispute between two males inside apartment. Resident wanted subject out of his apartment. Subject left without further incident.
Broken Tree Branch - PSD responded to report of broken tree branch. Search was made with negative results.
Criminal Mischief - Tenant reported to PSD that his cable service was interrupted. PSD inspected cable lines in stairwell and discovered cable line cut. Reporter will notify his cable provider. PSD notified management.
Found Property - Resident turned in money found on the street. Property was secured at PSD.
Dispute - PSD responded to verbal dispute between male and female. Male subject left without further incident.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for possible aided. Aided was not feeling well and transported to hospital.
Aided - Aided notified PSD and EMS that he was stung by bees. EMS checked aided out, but aided refused to be transported to hospital.
Unlicensed Operator - PSD officer stopped motorist for not wearing seatbelt. Driver stated he doesn't have license. 114 pct. verified that motorist didn't have license and subject was placed under arrest. Subject taken to 114 pct. for processing.
0700 hrs 08/10/09 - 0700 hrs 08/11/09
Aided - Super reports elderly male refused to give back a mailbox door that fell off. PSD responded and retrieved property. Elderly male appeared paranoid. Social worker at senior center was notified.
Criminal Mischief - PSD responded to bridge for criminal mischief. PSD apprehended one male and transported to 114 pct. for processing. DOT Bridge Operations notified.
Escort/Lost Property - Youth came into PSD stating he could not get into his apartment. PSD escorted youth home and mother let him in. Youth left MP3 player in PSD. MP3 player was secured in PSD. Mother was notified.
Aided - PSD responded to apartment for possible aided. Resident stated she fell and could not get up. EMS on scene and assisted her. Aided refused to be transported.
Aided - PSD observed emergency vehicles front of building. PSD and emergency personnel responded for male aided in hallway. Aided spoke to NYPD and EMS and refused to be transported.
0700 hrs 08/11/09 - 0700 hrs 08/12/09
Recovered Property - Resident reported to PSD that she observed her reported missing bicycle tied up to a light pole. Bike was clipped and returned to owner.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for possible aided. Tenant was not feeling well and transported to hospital.
Harassment - Female resident reported that a male subject keeps verbally harassing her and family. NYPD was notified.
0700 hrs. Wednesday August 12th 2009 - 0700 hrs. Thursday August 13th 2009
Lost Property - Wallet found by grounds personnel. returned to owner who stated all contents accounted for.
Verbal Harassment / Aided - Reporter notified PSD he wanted to amend report previously filed with PSD. New Information Taken.
Aided - Tram personnel called PSD for possible Aided. PSD responded, Aided stated not feeling well. EMS on scene transported Aided to hospital.
Aided - Fell of bicycle while riding. PSD and EMS responded. Aided transported to Hospital.
Fare Evasion - Male subject took Tram on Manhattan side with out paying. PSD responded made subject pay on Roosevelt Island side.
0700 hrs 08/13/09 - 0700 hrs 8/14/09
Verbal Dispute - Reporter called PSD to advise follow up on verbal dispute she had with relative. Info was taken for report.
Found Property - Tram employee found property on tram. Property secured at PSD.
Found Property - Property turned over to PSD officer. Property was secured at PSD.
Investigation - Person reports unknown person throwing items onto patio. Pictures were taken and area will be monitored.
Harassment - Male subject issued summons for harassment by PSD.
Aided - PSD responded to accident between girl and bicycle. Mother on scene and EMS transported them to hospital.
Missing Person - PSD and NYPD responded to apartment for missing person. PSD found missing person and brought him back to apartment.
Escort - PSD escorted father to apartment to pick up his daughter as per court order. Escort was completed without incident.
Alarm - PSD responded to alarm. Search of interior appeared in order. Alarm was reset by PSD.
0700hrs 08/14/09 - 0700hrs 08/15/09
Alarm- PSD responded to building for alarm, conducted a search with negative results, alarm was reset and door secured.
Found Property- Anon female turned keys into PSD that she reports were left in mailbox, PSD returned keys to owner.
Investigation- Biker was reported speeding down west seawall, PSD responded made search of area, all was in order.
Possible Fire- PSD and Super responded to Westview, a check of both roof tops were made, with negative results.
Missing Property- Missing person not at last seen location, search made of island, missing was found near last seen location.
Illegal Move Out- Tenant not the lease holder wanted to move her belongings, lease holder authorize move, tenant is now able to move out.
Aggravated Harassment- Family walking in hallway, harassed by female no physical contact or injuries occurred, PSD and NYPD responded.
Open Container- Two males were observed by PSD drinking beer, subjects were summons and released.
0700 08/15/09 -0700 08/16/09
Investigation- Male reported DOT gate open, PSD responded made a search of area and secured gate.
Possible Aided/ Escort- Male reports he was feeling fine, RMA, escorted to Cohler hospital where he is an patient.
Criminal Mischief- Resident of Urban American reports someone is continuously, cutting the cable cords in Eastwood, PSD respond observed damage, made search of area, all appeared in order, Time Warner repaired service.
Light House Park- Male reports a family using more than one table, PSD responds correct condition.
Found Property- Female found cash in lobby, property log #49.
Aided- Elderly female fell in bathroom, PSD and RISAR responded, RISAR lifted aided, EMS responded, aided RMA.
Found Property- Male turned credit card in to PSD, owner was contacted and retrieved her property.
Dispute- Female reports her elderly client was trying to hit her with her cane, and well as throw water at her, PSD responded advised subject to stop.
Aided- Female was going north on Main S t. and ran out of oxygen, informed PSD, EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Verbal Dispute- Neighbors got into a verbal disagreement because a dog barking, PSD responded and spoke with both parties.
0700 hrs 08/16/09 - 0700 hrs 08/17/09
Underage Drinking - PSD officer responded to a noise complaint. PSD found several teens drinking. Parents were contacted. Subjects that didn't live on island were escorted off via subway.
Public Urination - PSD officer observed male subject urinating in Public. Subject was issued summons and released.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for female not feeling well. Aided was transported to hospital.
Disorderly Conduct - PSD responded to tram for disorderly wheelchair bound male who refused to pay fare on Manhattan side of tram. PSD escorted male to Roosevelt Island without further incident
Disabled Vehicle - PSD responded for disabled RIOC vehicle. Tow truck was called and corrected condition.
Investigation - Tenant reported to PSD that he ordered food from store on island and after it was delivered, reporter stated food was moldy. PSD referred reporter to NYC Dept. of Health.
Dispute/Assault - Reporter called PSD and stated that male subject struck his girlfriend. PSD responded. Female refused EMS and was uncooperative. Victim didn't appear to have any bruises or lacerations. Male subject left scene before PSD arrival. PSD conducted search with negative results.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for female not feeling well. Aided transported to hospital.
Lockout - Tenant reported to PSD that she was locked out of her apartment. Super responded and let tenant in.
Water Leak - PSD and Super responded for water leak. Super corrected condition.
Found Narcotic - PSD officer observed zip lock bag of marijuana in hallway. Property was secured at PSD for vouchering.
Illegal Barbecue - PSD received complaint from tenant of illegal barbecue coming from apartment patio. PSD officer reported no answer at the apartment.
Lockout - Tenant reported to PSD that he was locked out of his apartment. Super responded and let tenant in.
Aided - PSD responded for person stuck in elevator. Upon PSD arrival person was out of elevator. Aided refused medical attention. Elevator was put out of service.
0700hrs 08/17/09- 0700hrs 08/18/09
Aided- Male stuck in Motorgate elevator, Motorgate attendee was able to release elevator door, victim RMA.
Lock Out- Male locked out of apartment, service notified and assisted tenant.
Aided- Male not feeling well, PSD and EMS responded, male transported to hospital.
Aided- Male fell off latter while working on Roosevelt Island Bridge, PSD and EMS responded, Male transported to hospital.
Aided- female not feeling well, PSD and EMS responded, aided transported to hospital.
Larceny- Male reports door frame of his vehicle was ripped off and placed inside his car, plus a few items taken from his car, Victim will file a report with NYPD own his own.
Aided- Reporter states she saw someone in the East River under the FDR drive, PSD, FDNY Special OPS, and NYPD responded, Aided was pulled out, conscious and appeared okay.
Aided- Female fell hurt her knee and ankle, PSD and EMS responded, Aided transported to hospital.
Littering- PSD officer observed male throw a can of coke into the river, subject was summons and released.
0700hrs 08/18/09- 0700hrs 08/19/09
Investigation - Victim reports his sink was stopped up overnight, victim contacted service emergency number, PSD responded in the morning along with maintenance, PSD observed maintenance fixing sink. Resident was advised by service personnel that it was not an emergency.
Trespass - Motorgate attendee observed known thief in motorgate, PSD responded, subject fled scene, PSD canvassed area observed subject on Roosevelt Island Bridge, PSD issued a Trespass summons and released.
Aided- Male not feeling well, PSD and EMS respond, aided was transported to hospital.
Family Dispute - Youths Aunt was called to remove him from school due to him having fights with other youths and misbehaving. Youth continued to fight Aunt and act out as she was taking him home. PSD responded and spoke to Beacon Director and the Aunt, Youth has behavior issues. There was no assault or abuse to be reported.
Investigation - Victim reports upstairs neighbor threw air conditioner debris into her patio, PSD responded and observed debris, PSD attempted to contact neighbor, no one was home.
Aided - Female fell, PSD and EMS responded, aided was transported to hospital.
Visitation/ Family Court/ Custody- PSD escorted father to apartment to pick up his daughter, father has Temporary Order of Protection against mother.
Aided - Female missed a step while walking by breezeway and pulled a muscle in her right calf. EMS on scene, aided refused medical attention.
Property damage - Severe thunder and lighting caused tree branch to fall on pool window, glass shattered. No one in pool, no injuries. Service notified and glass was cleaned up.
Petty Larceny - While making deliveries, Fresh Direct Driver reports upon returning to truck that a black bookbag containing his personal property (keys, paystub, wrench, alarm remote for his car) and a Nextel phone belonging to Fresh Direct was missing. NYPD was notified, but victim refused.
Attempted Shoplifting - Two youths were stopped by Gristedes for possible shoplifting. Youths fled store leaving behind a black bag containing several items form store. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Property Damage - Due to severe weather there was a tree knocked down outside of the tennis courts blocking the roadway. Tree was cut into small pieces and moved from roadway by FDNY. Normal traffic resumed, pedestrian path created using cones and caution tape, no injuries reported. Grounds and Engineering personnel notified.
0700hrs 08/19/09 - 0700hrs 08/20/09
Found Property - Bus Supervisor turns over a wallet found on bus. Female verified all contents in wallet accounted for and it was returned to her.
Investigation - Report of a male that appeared to be urinating in public. Upon PSD arrival male was leaving area. PSD made check of area and all was in order.
Aided - Male reports back pains and home attendant called EMS. Male transported to hospital.
Aided - Female flagged down PSD for a male that fainted. Male possibly broke his right ankle while playing soccer and fainted trying to make it home from park. Male was able to notify his mother via cell phone. PSD notifies EMS and he is transported to hospital with his mother.
Disabled Vehicle - Access A Ride Bus broke down, driver with bus waiting for tow truck. Vehicle was not blocking traffic. Bus removed by MTA tow truck.
Animal In Distress (Aided) - Report of a cat under a railing on seawall. Officer was able to provide water for cat which appeared to be dehydrated and cat then left area and appeared to be fine.
Aided - Male accidently walked into glass door and suffered a laceration to his left eyebrow. EMS notified and male transported to hospital.
0700 hrs 08/20/09 - 0700 hrs 08/21/09
Past Missing Property - Complainant reported to PSD that several months ago he had someone in his apartment and some property is missing. PSD made a report. Reporter refused NYPD.
Possible Aided - Home attendant reports client didn't answer door. PSD responded with super and checked the apartment. Resident was not home. Door secured by super.
Missing Property - Male victim reports that he had his bike secured to a bike rack and unknown subject took rear tire. Victim refused NYPD.
Lost Property - Female reported she dropped her car keys in sewer grate. PSD responded and was unable to retrieve keys.
Criminal Mischief/Petit Larceny - Employee of daycare center reported to PSD when she reported to work front and rear doors was open. Reporter stated when center closed the night before, the doors were locked. PSD responded and made a check of the area. Doors and locks didn't appeared to be tampered with. Reporter stated nothing appeared to be missing other than food from refrigerator. NYPD refused.
Car Stop - PSD stopped female driver for driving while on her cell phone. Motorist stated she had her wallet stolen and her license was in it, but never reported it to the police. Motorist was issued summonses and a licensed driver drove the vehicle.
Criminal Mischief - Unknown person stuck nails in tree. PSD along with maintenance responded and nails were removed. PSD will check area periodically.
Aided - PSD responded for female not felling well. Aided was transported to hospital by EMS.
Animal Removal - PSD observed a live squirrel inside stairwell. Super removed squirrel without causing injuries to animal.
Hazardous Condition - PSD observed covers off heaters inside lobby off. Super responded and corrected condition. No damage to heaters.
Fail to Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk - PSD issued summons to motorist for failure to yield to pedestrian.
Possible Aided - PSD observed numerous emergency personnel on island. NYPD stated they were searching for female who fell into the water. PSD assisted with search. Female was found on Manhattan side. Aided was transported to 34th street helipad with unknown condition.
0700hrs 08/21/09- 0700hrs 08/22/09
Possible Aided- While patrolling PSD observed NYPD and ESU around island, they were searching for a women who fell, PSD assisted with search, aided was found by NYPD, transported to hospital.
Aided- Elder male stepped off curb and feel in the street, EMS responded, aided RMA.
Burglary- Dog sitter reports burglary, PSD and NYPD respond, no sign of forced entry, search made negative results.
Criminal Mischief- while patrolling PSD observed a broken window, UA notified.
Aided- PSD responded to a call of a male incoherent, upon arrival aided was foaming from mouth and slurring, EMS responded, transported aided to hospital.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- While patrolling PSD smelled a strong odor, PSD investigated and recovered a marijuana cigarette, subject was summonsed and released.
Custody/ Visitation- Father reports to PSD his child's mother is attempting to pick up child when he has legal paperwork stating it is his week with child, PSD advised mother to comply with the court ordered paperwork.
Aided- Male not felling well, EMS responded, transported to hospital.
Arson- PSD responded to dwelling, Victim states someone burnt her peep hole, PSD observed damage and will monitor area.
0700hrs 08/22/09- 0700hrs 08/23/09
Criminal Misc- Victim parked his car in motorgate, when he returned the next day he noticed his car was keyed, PSD responded made search of area.
Criminal Misc- Tenant reports door bell burnt, PSD responds and observes damage, FDNY and UA foreman on scene, PSD made search of area.
Petit Larceny- RI hardware owner reports a youth stole an internet cable cord from his store, PSD responded and began an investigation.
Harassment- Three youth were in a dispute, the dispute turned into shoving which escalated into a fight, PSD, EMS and NYPD responded, male victim was transported to hospital suffered from bruised right eye, youth were releases to parents.
Domestic Dis.- Partners got into a dispute, altercation turned physical, PSD, NYPD and EMS responded, domestic incident report files, both parties RMA.
Found Property- Male found wallet and turned it into PSD, property log #501.
Criminal Misc- Tenant reports a neighbor continuously throws things in his back yard, PSD responded observed objects, report was made.
Lockout- Handicapped male was locked out of his apartment, tenant did not have the $132.00 lockout fee, Super opened tenant door without payment.
Lockout- PSD responded to tenants apartment, UA super on scene gave tenant access.
Found Property-A woman found medical documents belonging to RISAR and turned them into PSD, RISAR notified.
Littering- PSD was patrolling and observe motorist throw garbage out of his window, motorist was summons.
Reckless Driving/ Disorderly Conduct- Motorist failed to stop at stop signs, PSD pulled motorist over, motorist began using obscene language, motorist was arrested, summoned and released.
Found Property- Female found phone brought it to PSD, property log #500.
0700 hrs 08/23/09 - 0700 hrs 08/24/09
Harassment - Victim reported to PSD that a relative kept calling her cell phone numerous times. PSD report was made. NYPD was refused.
EDP/Aided - PSD officer was approached by a male stating that he was upset over the breakup with his girlfriend. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Criminal Mischief - Tenant reported to PSD that unknown subject burnt her door bell. PSD responded and notified super. Super will repair bell.
0700 hrs 08/24/09 - 0700 hrs 08/25/09
Property Damage - PSD observed community room gate broken. Area was checked for any further damage with negative results. Housing management was notified.
Aided - PSD responded for possible aided. Contractor cut his arm while working. EMS was notified. Aided refused to be transported to hospital.
Harassment/Disorderly Conduct - PSD responded to complaint of male subject being disorderly. Male subject was issued two summonses and released.
Property Damage - PSD officer accidently knocked off license plate cover on a parked car. Owner was notified and will be reimbursed .
Trespass - PSD officer observed two male subjects trespassing. Both subjects issued summons and released.
Investigation - PSD responded to report of property thrown all over location. Owner of property showed up and stated he threw his property because he was upset. Owner picked up property and left location.
Alarm - PSD responded to alarm. Front door was unlocked and PSD conducted search of the area. Area appeared to be in order. Employee showed up and PSD left.
0700hrs 08/25/09- 0700hrs 08/26/09
Criminal Mischief- Employee was caught stealing, confronted by manager became irrate knocked over property and left, PSD responded employee was not on scene, PSD stayed at location until all employees exited.
Alarm- Store owner reports an alarm going off at his store, PSD responded all appeared in order, store manager responded PSD left scene.
Aided- Female not well, PSD and EMS responded, aided was transported to hospital.
Smoke Alarm- Alarm went off, PSD and UA responded, tenant burnt food, PSD opened windows to allow fresh air to come in.
Larceny- Island Kids reports someone broke in and took cash, PSD responded, no sign of forced entry, search of area made with negative results.
Water Leak- UA requested PSD to respond to an apartment for a leak, tenant was not home, upon arrival negative result on water leak door locked by super.
Aided- Male not feeling well, PSD and EMS responded, aided was transported to hospital.
Aided- Female not feeling well, PSD and EMS responded, aided was transported to hospital.
Harassment- Victim reports subject knocked on her door yelling very late at night, PSD responded, victim reports she wants no contact with subject, Sgt spoke to subject and let him no he is not to contact complainant at all.
Aided- Male needed assistance in wheelchair exiting bathroom, PSD responded, condition corrected.
0700 hrs 08/26/09 - 0700 hrs 08/27/09
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD that a male subject was acting suspiciously the previous day. Tour supervisor was notified.
Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to motorgate for verbal dispute between motorgate attendant and tow truck driver. PSD corrected condition and driver left without further incident.
Found Property - Wallet turned into PSD. Owner picked up wallet.
Injured animal - Person reported to PSD of injured squirrel. The squirrel was given to a person to care for it.
Disorderly Conduct/Harassment - PSD responded for male subject being disorderly. Subject was issued two summonses and released.
Property Damage - PSD responded to the lobby for a broken window. Super was on scene and will have it fixed.
Attempted Burglary - Resident reported to PSD that two youths attempted to break into a community room. Reporter gave chase, but lost the youths. PSD responded and made search with negative results.
Missing Person - Mother reported to PSD that her daughter was missing. PSD made a search with negative results. Case was referred to NYPD.
Aided - Reported to PSD that he was not feeling well. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Lock Out - Resident stated she is locked out of her apartment because her father is not answering the door. Resident called a relative and will stay with them.
0700 hrs 08/27/09 -0700 hrs 08/28/09
Aided - PSD observed EMS responding to an apartment for aided. EMS treated aided, but aided refused to be transported to hospital.
Aggravated Harassment - Victim reported to PSD and NYPD receiving threatening phone calls from male subject. Report was taken by PSD and NYPD.
Alarm - PSD responded to alarm going off. PSD made search and building appeared in order. Alarm was reset.
0700hrs 08/28/09- 0700hrs 08/29/09
Gas Leak- FDNY and PSD responded to residence for gas leak, FDNY reports leak unfounded, all responding units left scene.
Alarm- RIOC alarm went off, PSD responded, made search all appeared in order, PSD reset alarm.
Aided- Male not feeling well, EMS and PSD responded, aided transported to hospital.
Verbal Dispute- Vehicle requested a boost, Tow truck company refused to render assistance, tow truck personnel and customer had verbal dispute. condition was corrected by PSD.
Petit Larceny- Victim states she left purse on counter at store while shopping and noticed purse was gone. PSD and NYPD responded and checked Surveillance tapes. Subject was Known by PSD. PSD and NYPD responded to subjects apartment where he was arrested.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD Detectives Noticed subject placing marijuana cigarette on ground, subject was arrested summons and released.
0700hrs 08/29/09- 0700hrs 08/30/09
Aided- Male Injured Leg and Refused medical attention.
Harassment/ Dispute - Two tenants involved in verbal dispute.
Aided - Male complained of trouble breathing. Ems responded and male was transported to hospital.
Open Container - Vehicle was stopped for traffic violation. Passenger had open container. He was issued summons and released.
Smoke Condition - PSD responded to possible smoke condition. Smoke was from burnt food. No injuries or property Damage.
0700 hrs 08/30/09 - 0700 hrs 08/31/09
Aided - PSD officer injured leg while responding to a call. Officer refused EMS.
Dispute - Reporter walked into PSD complaining that her husband threatened to take kids out of country without her permission. NYPD responded. Complainant was referred to family court.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for possible aided. Aided stated she was not feeling well. Aided refused to be transported to hospital.
Found Property - PSD officer found cell phone and secured it at PSD. Owner was contacted and picked up the property.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana - PSD officer observed male subject with marijuana cigarette. Subject was issued summons and released.
Aided - PSD officer fell off segway receiving scratches. EMS refused.
Open Container of Alcohol - PSD observed two male subjects drinking in public. Both subjects were issued summonses and released.
Aided/Disorderly Conduct - Aided walked into PSD with visible cuts. Aided stated he was assaulted by two male subjects. PSD apprehended two subjects. While questioning aided, aided stated he agreed to physical battle after getting into argument with subjects. Subjects were released. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Aided - Aided called PSD and stated she was not feeling well. PSD called for EMS. Aided was transported to hospital.
0700hrs 08/31/09 - 0700hrs 09/01/09
Aided- Female not feeling well. EMS notified. Female Transported to hospital.
Escort- Female was reported missing by parents . PSD conducted search. Female was staying over a friend's house.
Suspicious Person- Male was observed Climbing Queensboro bridge. PSD responded. Male was a tourist and Taking Photographs. His Information was gathered and a report was prepared.
Criminal Mischief - PSD officer observed broken window. Service was notified.
Aided- Wheelchair bound female ran into wall and broke leg. Ems Notified. Female Transported to Hospital.
Aided- Female states she involved in altercation and may be injured. EMS and NYPD responded. Female refused to police report and refused medical attention.
Property Damage- Male states couple had dog inside cage on bus. dog broke cage . no one injured.
Aided- Female walked Into PSD complaining of chest pain. EMS responded. Female transported to hospital.
Criminal Mischief- PSD officer observed broken glass door . Service was notified.
0700 hrs 09/01/09 - 0700 hrs 09/02/09
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for possible aided. Female aided stated she was not felling well and transported to hospital.
Criminal Mischief - PSD officer observed broken window in hallway. Management was notified.
Criminal Mischief - PSD officer observed shattered glass inside lobby. Management was notified.
Property Damage - RIOC bus driver reported to PSD that unknown person stored their dog inside cage and broke the cage. Cage located inside bus. No injuries reported.
Unauthorized Parking - Management reported to PSD that there was a scooter chained to their property. Scooter was removed and brought to PSD. Owner picked up scooter and was issued summons.
Aided - Home attendant reported her female client fell and needs assistance. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Aided/Harassment - Youth reported to PSD that another youth pushed her off her bike. Both parents were notified and responded to PSD. Parents were advised of situation. Aided suffered minor laceration to the leg. EMS refused.
Family Dispute - Mother came into PSD with her two daughters. One of her daughters hit the other one causing bruises. Mother and both daughters spoke to 114 pct. youth officer and were advised what could happen. Both parties will go home and talk it over. EMS was refused.
Found Property - RIOC bus driver found purse on bus and turned it into PSD. Property was secured at PSD.
Unsecured Premises - PSD responded to unsecured premises. Search of area was conducted and found to be in order. Area was secured.
Public Consumption of Alcohol/No Identification - NYPD requested assistance for male subject drinking in public. PSD escorted subjected to PSD. NYPD took subject to 114 pct. for arrest processing.
Reckless Endangerment - PSD responded to report of someone throwing eggs out of unknown location. PSD conducted search with negative results.
Investigation/Suspicious Activity - Reporter notified PSD that there appeared to be a smell of marijuana coming from a vehicle. PSD responded and did not observe any illegal activity or smell of narcotics. Upon request for ID, driver told PSD that he did not have a NYS driver license. Driver contacted a licensed driver. Licensed driver picked up vehicle. Unlicensed driver was released after deeming no crime was committed.
Investigation - Exwife claims that exhusband removed property from her apartment.
Aided - PSD responded to report of female falling over the bar to the seawall. PSD responded and observed female on rocks hiding from PSD. PSD assisted aided to the other side of railing. Aided had minor cuts and bruises on her hand. EMS responded for observation. Aided refused medical attention.
0700 hrs 09/02/09 - 0700 hrs 09/03/09
Domestic Dispute - Complainant walked into PSD and stated she wants to serve her husband with court papers. Court order granted her permission to pick up her and the children's personal belongings on 9/3/09 and complainant will return to PSD then for an escort.
Aided - PSD received call of man on floor. PSD responded and notified EMS. Aided was transported to hospital.
Aided/EDP - PSD was notified of emergency personnel on top of RI Bridge for jumper. NYPD pulled male subject from railing. EMS transported subject to hospital.
Found Property - Two bikes found in hallway by Roosevelt Landings Super. Both bikes brought to PSD to be logged and secured.
Petit Larceny - Owner reported to PSD that unknown subject removed foot pegs from his bike that was chained up to a bike rack.
Gas Odor - PSD responded to report of gas odor. FDNY reported to PSD that super was fixing stove and that super corrected condition. No injuries or property damage.
Unsecured Door - PSD officer observed front door to Chapel open. Search was conducted and found to be in order. Door was secured.
Menacing - Youth with his father reported to PSD that another youth pulled out a knife and threaten to use it. Youth was taken into custody by PSD and taken to 114 pct. and released to his guardian. Youth was given DAT to appear at family court.
Found Property - PSD officer found bike in hallway. Bike was secured at PSD.
Aided - PSD responded to report of man not feeling well. EMS was notified. Aided was transported to hospital.
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded to verbal dispute between father and daughter. PSD spoke to both parties and will refer matter to youth officer.
Missing Person - Mother reported her daughter was missing. PSD conducted search with negative results. Mother later reported to PSD that her daughter was in the Bronx and she was in route to pick her up.
Attempted Break In - Tenant reported to PSD that he and his wife were in the back of the apartment when he heard the door rattle. Tenant checked peephole and saw two males trying to open the lock. Tenant opened door and both subjects ran in opposite directions. PSD responded and made search with negative results.