Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Fund Grant Application And Guidelines Now Available - Deadline For Submission December 31
RIOC's Community Relations Specialist Erika Wilder sends this note advising that the 2010 Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Funding Application and Guidelines are now available online.
To all Non-Profit Organizations and Groups on Roosevelt Island:According to RIOC:
Please be advised that the 2010 application for Public Purpose Funding is now available online. To obtain a copy of the application, please visit . If you have bookmarked last years application, please do not use it, as new items have been added to the current application.
The deadline to apply for Public Purpose Funds is Thursday, December 31st 2009 at 5:00 PM.
The application can be downloaded or completed online at your convenience. Please submit your completed application and necessary attachments to the RIOC office located at 591 Main Street. If you are an island based program or organization and do not have non-profit status and wish to apply for funding, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Questions or concerns regarding completing the PPG application can be directed to me by email or by calling 212-832-4540 EXT# 349.
Best of luck!
To apply for a Public Purpose Grant:RIRA Recommendations will be based upon the following:
1. Interested groups should pick up an application packet from the RIOC offices or click here for Grant Application Form, and click here for PPG Applicant Guidelines, recommended by RIRA
2. Submit the completed application to RIOC. The application must include the written support of at least two additional community organizations.
3. Eligible applications will be forwarded to RIRA for its review and recommendations to the RIOC Board
4. Once approved, arrangements will then be made with RIOC for the disbursement of funds.
5. Grantees are subject to RIOC interim and final audit review.
Mission Statement:There was some controversy over how the Public Purpose Funding process was conducted by RIRA last year primarily regarding the appearance of a conflict of interest among some RIRA members who were also grant applicants but it appears that issue has been resolved to RIOC's satisfaction.
Public Purpose Funds should be allocated to benefit Roosevelt Island residents, enhancing their quality of life through education, artistic and cultural enrichment, improved health or a better environment.
a) Applicant organizations must be not-for-profit incorporations as defined by 501(c)3 or 501(c)4 Status.
b) Group may not discriminate on the basis of age, place of national origin, physical condition, race, religion or sexual orientation.
c) RIRA requires at least a 60 day period of evaluation between the time RIOC submits the application to RIRA and the date RIRA is asked to make its recommendation back to RIOC.
d) Monies must be used for the specific purpose for which they were granted. n accounting must be provided at the end of the period to show how funds were spent.
e) Applicants must provide a Cost / Benefit analysis for RIRA’s review. This analysis should detail how the grants will improve the quality of the services to be delivered.
f) If membership and/or tuition fees are charged, a price structure should be submitted. Such submissions should include details on number, and type of scholarships provided in the prior year and planned in the upcoming year.
g) Applicants should provide an account of all efforts made to secure grants from other sources.
h) Applicants should submit resumes for principal officers and pertinent staff.
Additional Factors:
Applicants are encouraged to comment on the following factors, which will also be considered:
a) Proportion of recipients who are residents of Roosevelt Island
b) Preference will be given to organizations that can provide services to the widest population of residents, regardless of their economic condition.
c) Amount of services delivered to the economically disadvantaged
d) Frequency of need – Is this a one-time request or is it expected to recur?
e) Proven history of service to the community
f) Extent of volunteerism in the organization – how much of the group’s needs are filled by donated time and/or materials?
g) Availability of “matching” grants or services – will a RIOC grant improve the chances of receiving additional monies or services form outside groups?
h) Efforts to secure grants from other sources
i) RIRA will not normally recommend funding to cover 100% of salaries.
UPDATE - 11/9 - Ms. Wilder sent in the following update regarding Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Fund Guidelines and Procedures.
Please be advised that the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) has amended the criteria for evaluating Public Purpose grant applications. Please visit to review RIRA's current guidelines. In addition, please take note that the line item requesting all applicants to submit community letters of support is no longer required.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.