When Will MTA Repair Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Station Entrance/Exit Door - Will New Walder Policy Quicken Fix?
What will it take for the MTA to fix the street level entrance/exit door of the Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Station? I don't recall how long the door has been broken but it has been at least a month if not longer.
Could this be the reason why the Roosevelt Island subway station entrance/exit door remains broken? The NY Times City Room blog reported that for years the policy of the MTA was that no single part of a subway station could be repaired, except for an emergency, unless the entire station was completely renovated. According to the NY Times:
...This, in practice, meant that many stations were never touched. A station might get the V.I.P. treatment once every few decades, with only a handful of lucky stations selected for rehabs per year. The rest were left to deteriorate.Let's see if the MTA will now fix the Roosevelt Island street level subway door. Here's how to contact the MTA's F Line General Manager and tell him to fix the door.
No longer. Under a new plan instituted by Jay H. Walder, the authority’s reform-minded chairman, workers will respond to such problems on an as-needed basis. Which means, ideally, a cleaner and more cheerful travel experience.
“The best is the enemy of the good,” Mr. Walder said at a briefing last week with reporters, reciting a mantra that he hopes will become gospel at an agency long criticized for a perceived culture of waste and bloat...
The MTA also reported that the average weekday Roosevelt Island F Train ridership during 2009 was 5816, average Saturday ridership 3939 and average Sunday ridership 3271.
Roosevelt Island 360 reprints a NY Times map showing that the 2009 average daily Roosevelt Island F Train ridership decreased 2.8% from 2008.