Friday, May 28, 2010

Cornell University Landscape Architecture Study Presented - The Roosevelt Island Renaissance Project - Revisioning Island Open Spaces

Last Sunday, the Cornell University Department of Landscape Architecture School team led by Eden Gallanter presented the results of their study - The Roosevelt Island Renaissance Project - to a group of residents at the Good Shepherd Community Center. The purpose of the study was
a revisioning of Island open spaces with attention to safety, education and public health.
I was not able to attend but several of those who did were very impressed including this commenter:
Eden's presentation was excellent. She is very professional and it is a well thought out plan. It is also one that is a few small suggestions, not one master plan.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) Director Jonathan Kalkin who initiated the Study Tweeted:
Cornell U presents their Roosevelt Island Landscape and Park Design Study. Great Job!
For those not able to attend, Eden sent me the presentation to share with the community. Unfortunately, the study is quite large and had to be broken up into eight separate files. I hope that doesn't stop you from reading the whole thing.
Cornell Landscaping Study Part 1

Cornell Landscaping Study Part 2

There's More!

Cornell Landscaping Study Part3

Cornell Landscape Study Part 4

Cornell Landscaping Study Part 5a

Cornell Landscape Study Page 5b

Cornell Landscaping Study Part 6

Cornell Landscape Study Part 7

Roosevelt Island has been the beneficiary of several other recent University Projects including the Columbia University Roosevelt Island Transportation Study and Hunter College's Access RI Accessibility Study.