Tuesday, September 28, 2010

RIOC Operations Committee Report On Tram Status, Red Bus Loop, Parking, Motorgate, Bike Sharing, New Technology, Poison Ivy, Dog Poop & More

Image of 9/27 RIOC Board Of Directors Operations Committee Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors Operations Committee met last night discussing a full agenda of issues for over three hours. RIOC Director Jonathan Kalkin summarized the Operations Committee meeting in a Tweet. From Mr. Kalkin:
311@seeclickfix system, Bike sharing and path review/Solar Power & LED lighting RFP's & Smart Parking are moving forward on Roosevelt Island
The meeting began with a report update on the Tram Modernization program including showing this 9/24/10 NY 1 video on the Tram's status.

Image of RIOC Board Opeations Committee and Staff Watching NY 1 Tram Report

RIOC VP of Operations Fernando Martinez advised the Board about the Tram that:
  • The North Cabin will be hoisted by crane and attached to the track ropes on Friday morning weather permitting. The North Tram Cabin will then be able to travel back and forth to Manhattan but awaits further review and safety testing. Final certification will come from the Department of Labor (DOL). RIOC President Leslie Torres, attending her first Ops Committee meeting, added that the DOL will conduct their review quicker than they usually do but within full safety parameters.
  • Opening date for Tram Service is scheduled for early November.
  • Existing Tram Crew were interviewed by POMA and were extended job offers contingent upon them passing certain tests.
  • Tram Supervisors will be getting acquainted with the Tram systems this week.
  • Tram Crew will be receiving training in mid October.
  • NYPD and Office of Emergency Management did a walk through of Tram Cabins yesterday and are reviewing emergency procedures.
  • Any discussion of financial penalties imposed upon Poma for delay in the Tram's return of service will wait until after service resumes.
RIOC Director Margie Smith asked who will be in charge in the event that the Tram gets stuck over the East River again. Ms. Smith, and everyone else on Roosevelt Island does not want a repeat of the same mistakes that happened in April 2006 when interdepartmental rivalry between the NYPD and FDNY kept Roosevelt Island residents stranded unnecessarily through the night over the East River. Mr. Martinez indicated that in the event of a similar incident, RIOC personnel with the expertise on Tram System operations will be in charge not NYPD, OEM or FDNY and that this policy will be acknowledged in writing by all concerned parties.

Other issues discussed included:
  • Keeping the current temporary Southtown Bus Loop on a permanent basis when the Tram returns to service and make the West Channel Road between the Tram and Blackwell House a one way street. By doing so, RIOC will create 29-30 parking spaces on the West Channel Road.
  • Improving Lighting at Motorgate Garage - Discussion as to whether to use Fluorescent Lighting or LED Lighting - Fluorescent is less expensive but suitable for needs - LED Lighting is better but much more expensive - question as to whether fluorescent lights can be installed initially but then switched to LED at later time. The Committee decided to issue a Request For Proposals (RFP) to get some expert advice on Motorgate lighting in the context of a broader, more efficient energy plan that will include solar energy panels as well.
  • Roosevelt Island See Click Fix 311 Reporting System Test Extended.
  • Roosevelt Island Bike Sharing RFP to be issued.
  • Verizon FIOS extended to Southpoint Park - when the parks open up, you can access the internet there.
  • Smart wireless Parking System Trial.
  • Appears to be a problem with Poison Ivy at Capobianco Park - problem sourced at the Community Garden.
  • RIOC's Director of Engineering is retiring - search on for replacement.
  • Expect much greater dog policy enforcement and ticketing of people not picking up their dog crap.
The full web cast of the Operations Committee meeting is available online. If you are interested in how Roosevelt Island is governed and decisions made, this is as good as it gets.

UPDATE 4:18 PM - From RIOC:
Due to projected heavy rains and possible Tornado warnings, the 10/1 event has been postponed until 10/5, subject to weather.