Annual Roosevelt Island Blessing Of The Animals At The Church Of The Good Shepherd On October 3, 10:00 A.M.
Do you wish to have a blessing said over your pet? If so, no need to go to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine when you can have it done right here on Roosevelt Island. I received the following message from Roosevelt Island resident Francine Lange:
Church of the Good Shepherd, the Episcopal church, will be holding its annual Blessing of the Animals service this Sunday, October 3.I wonder if there are any Roosevelt Island llamas or other unusual animals out there to be blessed with Charlie the Cat.
Pastor Lew Johnson will say a special blessing over your pet(s). You can carry it in your arms, lead it on a leash or in a carrier, or bring a photo.
At 10:00 a.m., 543 Main St., Church of the Good Shepherd, Roosevelt Island.Charlie was dumped at birth on the side of the road in the Bronx. A Roosevelt Island resident adopted him and now, some five years later, he reigns in peace over his Island House "kingdom."