Saturday, October 2, 2010

Annual Roosevelt Island Blessing Of The Animals At The Church Of The Good Shepherd On October 3, 10:00 A.M.

You Tube Video Of 2007 Animal Blessings At St John The Divine

Do you wish to have a blessing said over your pet? If so, no need to go to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine when you can have it done right here on Roosevelt Island. I received the following message from Roosevelt Island resident Francine Lange:
Church of the Good Shepherd, the Episcopal church, will be holding its annual Blessing of the Animals service this Sunday, October 3.

Pastor Lew Johnson will say a special blessing over your pet(s). You can carry it in your arms, lead it on a leash or in a carrier, or bring a photo.

At 10:00 a.m., 543 Main St., Church of the Good Shepherd, Roosevelt Island.

Image From Francine Lange

Charlie was dumped at birth on the side of the road in the Bronx. A Roosevelt Island resident adopted him and now, some five years later, he reigns in peace over his Island House "kingdom."
I wonder if there are any Roosevelt Island llamas or other unusual animals out there to be blessed with Charlie the Cat.