Author & Roosevelt Island Resident Mary Camper-Titsingh Reads From Her Historical Novel, The Man Who Kow-Towed, At Gallery RIVAA Saturday October 2
Mary Camper-Titsingh is an 86-year old retired librarian and resident of Roosevelt Island. She is the author of The Man Who Kow-Towed, a historical novel about her ancestor, Isaac Titsingh, who opened the doors for the Dutch East Indies Company to trade with Japan, India, Indonesia and China in the late 18th century.
Ms. Camper-Titsingh will read excerpts from The Man Who Kow-Towed on Saturday, October 2 at 6:00 pm at Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main Street on Roosevelt Island. All are welcome to attend this free event and books will be available for purchase for $15.00.
An excerpt from The Man Who Kow-Towed is below.

Come learn about the beginnings of globalization from a Roosevelt Island author.