Friday, October 1, 2010

Free Adult Body Sculpting Classes Presented By Roosevelt Island Youth Program - Get In Shape, Meet Your Neighbors & Have Fun!

Any Roosevelt Island adults out there interested in getting into shape with a body sculpting program? If so, the Roosevelt Island Youth Program@PS/IS 217 may be the place for you to work on those muscles, meet some new people and have some fun this Fall.

The Free Adult Body Sculpting Classes take place on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 7 PM. You can sign up for the class at the front desk of PS/IS 217 Beacon (645 Main Street). For more information, use the phone and email contacts listed in above flyer.

Below is an example of an adult Body Sculpting Class though it is not from the Roosevelt Island Youth Program.

You Tube Video of Body Sculpting Class

Start working those body parts!