Roosevelt Island Rivercross Mitchell Lama Cooperative Residents Meet Again To Discuss Issues Of Common Concern & Solve Problems - Secrecy Rejected But Bed Bugs Found

Rivercross resident David Bauer sends the following report from the October 26 meeting. Mr. Bauer writes:
Folks --There is also an online Rivercross Google Group for residents to communicate with each other as well.
The October 26 meeting covered some interesting ground.
The meeting Tuesday evening continued the conversation about Board actions or comments made by Board members, including the following matters --
1A) Board matters that seem positivea) the conversation sessions with shareholdersb) establishment of a window screen maintenance policyc) raising the temperature setting for the common spacesd) the active search for a window washere) the book exchange centerf) clarifying the process for reporting/correcting the transmission of odors between apartmentg) upon request, building staff will install u-shaped handles to facilitate window openingh) request RIOC to install bench at bus stop.
1B) Events that seem negativea) Board unwillingness to give reasonable answers to failing to increase the surchargeb) opposition of two Board members to the bench in front of buildingc) apparent significant Board opposition to rampd) stand that a green roof is not feasible or affordable without presenting data to justifye) apparent belief that additions to facilitate window washing would likely be prohibitive in cost without providing dataf) the Board's unwillingness to have its meetings open to interested Shareholdersg) apparent general plans for the expenditure of multi millions of dollars without any indication of the impact on the monthly maintenance cost for individual apartments
2) A significant discussion took place as to whether it was appropriate for these summaries of Shareholder Forum meetings to be made available to the Roosevelt Island Blog. The feeling of most of the attendees was that making such information available was important, particularly in serving as a counterpoint to the veil of secrecy that surrounds the deliberations of the Board. However, one person withdrew from participation in the meeting on the basis that publication on the Blog was inappropriate and unwarranted
3) A larger discussion took place about the matter of bed bugs reported as being/having been a problem in at least six apartments in the building. It was noted that the bugs are quite mobile, using people as a convenient carrier, as well as finding paths between apartments through holes in the building structure. A three person group -- Al, Kimberly and Stephanie -- volunteered to develop a program for furthering information for shareholders.
4) The 'bed bug' discussions led to comments about the range of approaches and attitudes used by various building staff members when they deal with shareholder concerns.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 . The Forum will reconvene in three weeks on Tuesday November 16 at 7:30.