How Is The New Roosevelt Island Red Bus Route, Schedule and Tram Station Bus Stops Working Out? Were You Abandoned By Driver Inside Red Bus Last Weekend?
The new Roosevelt Island 15 minute Red Bus Route loop and
Tram Station Stops have been in effect for the last several weeks.
Based upon anecdotal conversations I have had with residents, for the most part people seem pleased with the new Tram Route and bus stops. One reader wrote:
... I have to say I think the new bus route is working out well. The waiting spot on the west channel drive is pretty easy....The Red Bus schedule is posted here.
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) is seeking feedback from riders on the new Red Bus Route, Schedule and Tram Station Stops. RIRA has established this email address to receive your comments transportationfeedback@
On another Red Bus matter, the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Report for 2/4 - 2/5 appeared to describe an incident in which a Red Bus Driver abandoned passengers inside the Red Bus:
Investigation- Bus driver left passengers inside bus, passenger was upset.I have asked Public Safety Director Keith Guerra for more details as to what happened but have not received a reply yet. RIOC VP Of Operations Fernando Martinez has advised that he is looking into the matter.