Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Open Baby Strollers On Roosevelt Island Red Bus During Rush Hours - Necessity For Parents With Infants And Toddlers Or Hazard For Everyone Else?

 No Strollers On Red Bus During Rush Hour Flyer From 2007

It looks like another attempt is being made to reverse the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) policy of removing children from strollers and then folding the strollers before boarding the Red Bus during rush hours. This issue was addressed back in 2007 with RIOC concluding:
The prohibition against open strollers during rush hours only has apparently pitted one set of riders against the other. Everyone should realize that this rule is SOP on the MTA. My mail from adult users without children is highly supportive of the ban. I empathize with the stroller set. Rush hours seemed a reasonable compromise.
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) is getting behind the idea of allowing baby strollers on the Red Bus during rush hours. According to the Island Services Committee Report to the RIRA February Common Council Meeting:
Strollers on Red Bus during rush hours – Change RIOC policy so strollers are allowed on bus at all times. (Frank Farance is lead person.)
Commenting of this idea, a reader wrote:
What's with the desire to keep strollers unfolded during rush hours? I myself have three small children but I would never be so inconsiderate and bring a stroller into a crowded bus during rush hours. That thing has wheels and most likely came with a rain cover for bad weather. Walk it to the train/tram or home. No need to use up space on the bus and block the way.
How does the MTA handle strollers on New York City Buses? According to the MTA site explaining how to safely ride the bus:
When traveling with an infant and a baby stroller, the stroller should be folded before entering the bus and should remain folded for the duration of the trip.
Here's how Madison Wisconsin proposes to handle strollers on their buses.

You Tube Video Of Madison Wisconsin Bus Stroller Proposal