Roosevelt Island Constituent Office Hours With NY State Senator Jose Serrano's Office Wednesday March 2, RIRA Monthly Meeting March 2 & Assembly Member Kellner Constituent Office Hours Thursday March 3
State Senator Jose Serrano's office will be holding Roosevelt Island constituent service hours at RIOC Headquarters (591 Main Street) this Wednesday, March 2 from 4 PM until 7 PM. Senator Serrano had previously held his Roosevelt Island Monthly Constituent Office Hours on the first Tuesday of every month but has changed the date to the first Wednesday of the month prior to the Monthly Roosevelt Island Residents Association Meeting (RIRA).
If you have any questions to ask Senator Serrano's staff or are in need of any assistance that may require the help of your elected representative stop on by RIOC HQ. Also, bring photocopies of any paperwork related to your situation so that the Serrano staff can effectively and efficiently address the issue.
RIRA will be meeting 8 PM Wednesday, March 2 at the Good Shepherd Community Center. The Agenda for the meeting is here. Among the topics will be RIRA's recommendations to RIOC for the allocation of $100,000 in Public Purpose Funds.
Assembly Member Micah Kellner's office will be holding their Roosevelt Island constituent service hours the next day, Thursday March 3 from 3PM to 7 PM at RIOC Headquarters - 591 Main Street.