Will Swimmer Attempt East River Crossing From Roosevelt Island To Long Island City Today?
I understand that the lack of a recent NYC winter snowstorm and cold weather have made people, including me think of spring, but is it really the time to think about going for an outdoor swim ... in the East River... from Roosevelt Island across to Long Island City?
Apparently, for one person today may be the perfect day to brave the strong East River currents. According to this Tweet earlier this morning:
Later today, I will be attempting to swim from Roosevelt Island to LIC. Stay Tuned...Will be staying tuned to learn if the attempted East River swim was made.
As reported previously, last summer someone swam across the East River from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan.
It is certainly not the same thing as swimming across the English Channel, but sometime last Sunday a man swam the West Channel From the East Side of Manhattan to Roosevelt Island.It's really not a good idea to do this considering how dangerous the currents can be around in the East River surrounding Roosevelt Island. More on swimming the East River here.