Friday, June 24, 2011

Roosevelt Island NY Junior Tennis League Tournament And Awards On Saturday, Summer Program Starts July 5 - No Equipment Needed, Just Bring Your Shoes

Received the following message from Joyce Mincheff of the New York Junior Tennis League (NYJTL);
This Friday, June 24th, will be the last day of the Spring program. There will be a tournament for 6, 7 and 8 year olds on Saturday 6/25 from 1-4 PM.

We will have an awards presentation for all the children on Friday. Parents are welcome and encouraged to bring cameras and all children are encouraged to bring snacks to share.

The NYJTL summer program will begin on July 5th. Our hours this summer will be
Mon- Wed- Fri, 9-12 AM, ages 7 to 18
Wed- 9:30-11, Pee-Wees, 5,6,7 (for 45 minutes only- must be accompanied by a parent)
Tuesday and Thursday, 1-4 PM, ages 10 to 18
It has truly been a pleasure to see the joy and improvement in your children as they develop their skills. On behalf of my staff and I, we look forward to working with them over the summer months.
The Roosevelt Island NY Junior League Tennis Program takes place at the Octagon Tennis Courts.

More information from previous post.